I did MIS: Somebody HELP ME!!!


Ok, I've had this tape nearly a YEAR and could only muster enough courage to do the bicep and tricep section. I even ran away from THAT after those crazy 8s!

So I created a Baby Step/Head Start modification version using #5 (!!!!!) #8 & # 10 dumbells (don't have a barbell). Afterwards, I though "Well, that was KIND OF EASY". Yeah right... like drinking vodka and having it hit me like a ton of bricks an hour after the first drink!

Today every muscle in my body is on FIRE! This tape has the best upper body workout ever!

Cathe is a goddess among women. Watching her lift that 35 pound barbell during chect presses, the tricep presses while lying on the step, etc. was truly amazing.
Hey way to go Kimba!! You did it! Don't worry about how much weight your're lifting. The important thing is you have the courage to do it! Good for you!!

Keeping proper form is essential. If that means 5lbs or 8lbs, it doesn't matter. You'll go heavier when your body is ready. When I first started, I thought I'd NEVER be able to do a barbell french press. Well, I'm doing 'em with a 25lb barbell now, sometimes I add on some weight and hit 30. Just give it time. And give your hard-working muscles at least 48 hours to recover. That "fire" is a really good thing! It means you created tiny little microscopic tears in your muscles, and during recovery your muscles will repair those tears, grow stronger, and allow you to lift again! I love the soreness. It means you are building beautiful muscles!

take care - marnie

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