I did M.I.C!!!!


Active Member
Last night I did M.I.C. and I actually did the whole tape!!! I usually just do the low & medium impact sections then fast forward the tape to the step section and do that on an 8 inch step, but last night I decided to try to do the entire hi/lo section, then do the step section on a 6 inch step.

Well, I DID IT!! It wasn't easy, but I actually got through it without having to call the paramedics!!! ;) What a workout!!! The whole time I was doing the hi/lo I was thinking... O.K. How the heck am I gonna do step after this??!!:eek: But I got through it. My legs are feeling it today but I feel SO good!!!
Hey! Congrats!!! That's great!!!!

I always do the step on a 6 inch too. Toward the end my legs feel like led but then I feel awesome after I finish!!
Congrats - that is definitely an accomplishment. I can't make myself do that tape because I hate hi/lo stuff. I usually skip to the step part.

That is one long cardio workout! You must be proud!
Blimey! I take my hat off to you for completing that hi-lo section alone! But to go on and do the rest? WOW :)
- Lisa :)
Congratulations! My hat if off to anyone who can do this entire killer. It still eludes me though I keep plugging away at it.
Congrats and good for you!!!!!!! I did all of MIC once.......once.........did I say just once??? Maybe I will challenge myself next week and do it again!

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