I did it !!!!!


Well I finally finished my Body for Life 12 week cycle this morning!!! Didn't miss 1 workout!!!! I am sooooo happy to be done! Now I can finally start the Cathe Hardcore Rotations (with one week of taking a couple of days off from working out!) I am so excited about doing Cathe's rotations I really feel they will make a big difference for me!:) :) :)
What kind of results did you get from doing BFL? Great job sticking with the 12 week program. I've tried numerous times, but the longest I stuck with it was about 7 or 8 weeks.
rallyeson!! great job not missing a workout and finishing! You will love the Hardcores....:)...Carole
Great Job Rallyeson!!! You made a commitment and followed through. What an accomplishment. You will really enjoy the HC series.

I am very unhappy with my results unfortunately... I do think I will have much better results with Cathe's videos I truly believe they are much more geared toward women. I did learn some valuable lessons from BFL so I am thankful for that! I learned a better eating system, and a healthier one too! I learned to not beat myself up if I made a mistake and ate too large a portion or missed a workout. I honestly think learning not to beat myself up over little mistakes took some of the pressure off of being perfect! And it made it not so much of a chore to do the right thing all the time! I plan to incorporate alot of the lessons I learned while doing BFL to my Cathe workouts i.e. journaling goals, meals, my accomplishments everyday (VERY helpful for the mind!), and somethings to help others! So although I didn't think the BFL workouts got me where I wanted to be I truly like the philosophy taught in the books.
Congratulations! That is a HUGE achievement. I did the BFL 12 week challenge a few years back so I know how much dedication and commitment to diet and exercise is required. Will you be posting your start/finish photos? Do they still run a contest? Did you enter a challenge? Again, my hat's off to you! Great job!

~ Kim

"Welcome the challenge...Embrace it...Don't fear it." -Cathe Friedrich
I still need to take my finsih photos, but I don't know if I will post them because I am not satisfied with my results. I only lost 5 lbs. but let me take them and i'll see.
they do still run the contest but I am not entering because I am not pleased with my results. But I am still very proud of myself for finishing the program and honestly that is more satisfying to me than a finish picture I am proud of (who am I kidding I would love to have a rockin after pic..haha)but seriously even though I did not acheive the results I wanted, I am still very pleased with completing the process:) :) :) :)
Completing the process will make your next goal setting process a snap. 12 weeks is not an EASY thing to do by all means. So many obstacles to over come. You did that. You can now move forward and make a June goal.

So I lift up your achievment and say Job Well done.

Working towards Perpetual Motion
Woo-Hooo! Tha's awesome and the fact that you learned some very valuable lessons from it all spells SUCCESS! Maybe this was just the start you needed to stay focused and to learn how to be committed. Cathe's Hardcores are wonderful and I think that you will be so excited using them as they are a FUN series. Congrats on what you did & thanks for sharing.

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Thanks everyone!! all your support makes something that already felt good feel even better! I really appreciate it!

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