I Did It!!!

Yeah!! I did step fit.
I was the one who didnt think i could do it so i havent even tried. But, yesterday i put it in and this morning i did the whole thing!

Thanks for letting me get excited about it:)
Great job! I felt that way when I FINALLY did Step Works after having it about 2 years! It WAS a sweat producer, but it sure felt good completing it!

Cathe tapes DO bring on the Wonder Woman feeling.
Wooo-hoooo! You go girl. That is awesome. Sometimes I think it's that feeling that keeps me exercising (or at least, buying new videos).

You're an inspiration to me. Think I might have to take out Step Jam again, that's the one that I don't think I'll ever be able to do all the way.
I wish I hadnt traded her other step videos. I bought powermax,step works, mega step blast, and step fit. I watched them all and thought there is no way my brain and feet will keep up. Oh well, I'll just have to try and trade for them again.

I'm still excited. (but i dont think i'll be trying rhythmic step any time soon!):-jumpy

Congratulations Tracy, that's no small feat! Great work!
I have to say, now that I've learned them both, I think RS is actually a tad easier than Step Fit. Anyway, so glad you were able to do SF...there was a time I thought I would NEVER be able to do a Cathe step workout. Every time I learn one, I feel SO GOOD. Keep up the good work!
By the way Tracy, since receiving your email, I built up some confidence and did Step Fit. The part where Cathe and the gang did the repeater at the end of the step and then a pivot turn on top of the board really threw me, but I did the whole tape! I love the flying angels! And call me old school, but my favorite part was the cool down. Thanks for pumping me up!
You will love Rhythmic Step. One of the reasons that Cathe's tapes never get boring is because they are such a challenge!

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