I did it, and now I'm giddy and scared!!


After more than a year of pondering and months of researching, I finally ordered a treadmill today!! I am so excited, yet I have not told my husband yet. Yikes! Kind of kooky, I know, but I will be able to tell him that I earned the money on the side and paid for it debt free, and I am turning 40 next month, so I should be able to buy myself a birthday present....right?

Fortunatly he is a good man. If he gets upset he will simply say so, but will also hear me out. I did my research and ended up with a Evo (made by Smooth) FX4M. I got a great price, and a good warranty, and I am hoping to have it by the end of next week. Just in time for the winter snow!
Good for you! Hope you enjoy your treadmill! I've had mine for 7 years and still use it all the time - so does my DH. It's right up there with best purchases ever along side the microwave! :)

The fact that you did it debt free should be a good thing! :) Congratulations on your purchase! :)

Yeah Dani !!!

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE my treadmill and use it all the time!
I used to use it only on bad weather days when I didn't want to exercise outside, but I have a TV in front of it now and I tape shows the rest of the family doesn't watch and watch it in the mornings on the treadmill, and time FLIES!!!
The Biggest Loser is GREAT on the treadmill........very motivating!:D

Anyway, congrats on your purchase. You won't be sorry and I'm sure dh will understand. ;-)
Thanks for the encouragement! That is a big part of what pushed me over, the fact that many people who have them absolutely love them. I have three kids whom I homeschool, and when winter hits we do spend a lot of days cozied up in the house. We still get out to ski/shovel/cross country ski, but for the most part there is are a lot of mellow days by the woodstove. We could all benefit I think.

I would love to get out and walk in the winter, but it is actually kind of scary. You have to time it too much to avoid ice on the roads (cars slip and I slip) and not to mention the snow banks hinder getting off to the side quite a bit, as well as limit visibility for the pedestrians...just not worth it.

Anyway, as we women know all about multi tasking, I think I am just as excited that I can listen to my iPod, phone time, or watch television at the same time...how cool is that?
I bought mine in January and haven't gotten off it yet!! I have two small children and a DH that works LOOOONG hours so the treadmill is awesome! I used it for most of my 1/2 marathon training! It will definately get your cardio pulminary system in tip top shape! Nothing like it!!!

I watch tv AND use my ipod!! I usually watch mindless tv like VH1 (they actually show videos at 6 a.m.!) The perks are WAY better than the cost!!

Hope you love yours as much as we love ours!

Oh, and we have a rule...there will be NO HANGING CLOTHES ON MY TREADMILL!!!!!x( ;)
That's right Sarah!!!

No "dust collector " here either!!!

I love my treadmill ! I keep it clothes and dust free and ready for action at any moment! Because who knows when I'm gonna jump on and walk or run somewhere!?!
We have been using our treadmill consistently since 1999. My DH uses it exclusively for his cardio. I like to rotate it in for variety. There is nothing like a 30" interval treadmill run while watching Imax3 first 5 intervals or last 5 intervals! ( That is when no PF is present)

"Likes2bfit" since 1999

Looking for opinions.
DH and I want to get either a treadmill or an elliptical.
Why did you guys get treadmills??
If you've used an elliptical and could do it over, would you still go for the treadmill or get the elliptical???

(P.S. - Treadmill would be used only for walking - whenver I have run on a treadmill I wind up with knee issues)

Thanks much

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