I did BC 2x straight through?


After all these years, I finally did Boot Camp 2 times in a row. I feel sore but great. I never thought this 49 + year old body could do it. I credit the June 04 HSTA rotation for improving my cardio, stamina and endurance so I could achieve this goal. I am curious if anyone else has done BC 2x. How did you feel when you were done? I am also curious if anyone has done Cathes August 05 Boot Camp Rotation? How did that go?
Hi Peggy:

MAJOR CONGRATS are in order for that one! I remember Cathe's Aug 2005 rotation very well. I remember trying it for a week and couldn't quite handle it. It's still one of those routines that I want to work up to. I remember the bootcamp 2x day very well. I made it through once and didn't have the energy to hit 'repeat' on the DVD player :)

Well done!!! I can't belive that rotation is 5 years old now. I think it's one of Cathe's finest works..but it does require a significant time committment and a strong spirit.

"High Five" to you FitGirl-ATX for even making it through a week. That is a real accomplishment. I am contemplating doing the rotation. I simply cannot run due to arthritis. I am thinking since our town has lots of hills and sand dunes I could sub intense walking for the runs. The other concern is how to count all the high reps for lunges, situps etc. I am afraid I would lose count...lol. I also wonder if my knees could take all the lundges. I figure "IF" I attempt this rotation I would go to the track to do them so I had adequate room. I agree it is one of Cathe's "finest"
Thank You for the sharing and the Congrats. I appreciate it!!!
WTG Peggy! That sounds like a rotation I would like! I'm already scheduled for rotations through the end of the year, so I'll have to put it on my to do list for next year!

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