I declare it a bad eating day...

>So shall we declare today GOOD EATING DAY? :)


Actually, I ate so much (and so crappy) yesterday, I'm declaring today a semi-fast day: just apples and fresh salad and fluids (and maybe a protein smoothie later on). My stomach doesn't seem willing to tolerate much more. :-(
Wait I didn't get to have a crappy eating day yet! :( Ok I guess i will wait until the next official one... :)

Hi, hippahips! I just got done looking at your fitness photo's. By the way - you look fabulous! I am writing you because my physique is similar to yours. You look very tone and appear to have some of the same features as I do (back & shoulders being one of them)so I am curious...... what is a day of eating like for you? I have been in and out of different forums today and am beginning to wonder if I am not taking in enough calories (I take in probably about 12-1300 per day (if I had to guess) and I work out about 2 hrs a day. Thanks for any advice...............
Can't join in on this one with ya(this time). It was Crap Eating Week for me last week and I've been a vewy vewy good girl this week. :) (so far!)

You wouldn't believe what I did yesterday! AFter eating pop-tarts and panacakes, I had some donuts and pie... then, right before bed, opened up a can of Betty Crocker's chocolate frosting and put 1/2 the container on a chocolate muffin and scarfed it down with a diet pop! I should be fasting today, but I 'm not... just eating normal. Don't you just HATE the feeling you have after one of these "Episodes"!!!
PLEASE don't give me a cybor noogie!!!

Last week I went through the cupboards and the fridge and got rid of everything processed, sweet and salty!! DH has to buy his own icky (aka: yummy as heck junk food) out in the garage or down in the shop...One the other hand, I HAVE learned how to make soy pudding...Is that considered junk food??

MJ in MN
Good idea. I think I'll give my dh a treat and suggest Indian tonight. It's his favorite. And, btw, it's a bad eating WEEK for me. }(

I havent had a bad eating day...thank god, but my Dad joined us for a couple of days last week in Door COunty. One day I saw (this is what I saw mind you) him scarf down a 1 lb fried steak, a baked potatoe, 3 gigantic cinnamon rolls, 1 waffle cone ice cream stuffed with 3 scoops, a corned beef sandwich, 3 helpings of quiche with ham, 3 bowls of oatmeal, a salad with more dressing than vegetables, and a bowl of some creamy seafood soup. Oh, and 2 butterscotch cookies. I didnt think anybody could eat this much food. I almost got sick watching him eat all this junk.

I just had to mention this, so everyone knows what kind of obstacle I am up against when I go for that occasional visit to see my father. Thank god I only lived with him for a few years of my life.


Sometimes seeing that kind of amazing eating frenzy gives me more motivation than I can put into words! And I thought I ate a lot on one of my bad days :D

Is your Dad overweight? I'd hate to think he eats like that all the time. Funny, this thread found new life on the dawn of my next pig-out day! Got to get more donut holes!!
Just Do It! :)
My Dad is very overweight. And he doesnt eat quite this much (that I know of) most of the time, but he still eats a ton. When I was little I remeber going to McDonalds (I hated McDonalds as a kid) and he would order 13 hamburgers and eat them all. He was a skinny rail then.

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