I decided to only do cardio for 1 month


really great

i was not expecting that

i was expecting people telling me, you have to lift heavy to loose weight

this is a motivation

thx ladies. thx a lot

You know when I got to the point of wanting to lose the last 10 everyone kept telling me to lift heavy. I did that for a few weeks and definitely got strength gains but still had the extra 10. It was not until I did mountain biking, running, and HITT did I start to lean out. What I really discovered was that I had to do what I thought was fun, . .what would keep me moving and what was right for me, . . so cardio on girl, . . cardio on.

I am happy of what I started here :)

So far, I feel I have less fat around my neck and chest... funny eh? but at least it starts there.... yeahhhh. at the ned of the month, I will mesure myself and post again. this is excting. i am going for a walk / run 30 min tonight and tomorrow morning, intense cardio session. I will mix bootcamp cardio only with kickmax blast and drill max cardio to make a bit over an hour. I think the combination should be fun.

Darine and any other cardio junkies, how about a July cardio challenge/checkin? I, too, am a cardio junkie. I strength train cause everyone says I have to. We can do all our favorite cardios as much as we like, monitor food intake or not (but, I think we'd better) and enjoy this month.

What do you say?
Okay, Darine

I started a thread under checkins/challenges. It's called "July's the month for CARDIO.

See ya there.

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