I could use some help Please1


Hi I am new and I love your workout routines. The best I have seen. I have been working out a long time but when I try to give advice I am the worst. My wife and I just a had a baby Girl 3 months ago. I saw your show on FITtv and said this is what you need to get back in shape. Ok here it is I tivo some of your shows but cannot figure out an order to use them in. Right now I told her to stick to the push and pull workout because it is a fullbody one. How can I incorparate the other shows and add more cardio shows in that you have too? I dont want her doing the same body part twice in a row? If this does not make sense Im sorry. Please help?
Cathe or anyone, I really need ya. I just need an routine or an order to use the shows in? Please help?
Hi John! How nice that you are helping your wife to get started on a fitness program. Congrats on your new baby girl! Why don't you let us know what workouts you have Tivo'd and we'll see if we can help you. It would be great if she can do cardio at least 3X/week, working up to 4-5X/week. She probably would want to start with each body part at least once a week eventually working each part twice a week. Let us know what you have and someone will be here to help.

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie") http://www.clicksmilies.com/s0105/aktion/action-smiley-066.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Here are some that I have.
i have the abs one and the srech one.
i am not sure what the other one is called but it looks crazy. it is weights and like jumping in between. then i think i have like leg and gluts.

But I am tivo'ing a bunch more that are coming on soon and saving them. i dont think i have a cardio one yet. I do he abs one and I love the planks. She really only wants to do like 3 to 4 workouts a week. We dont have a lot of time with the new baby and all. But we are working on it.
I would like to also say thank you. This website is so helpfull. The cathe show makes me want to change my whole outlook on working out. no more "how much can I bench" now it's how many can i do and how lean can I get.
Bye(I have to get my wife a name on here)
Hello John,

Have you visited the rotation forum? Cathe has posted a list of routines to do each day and there are some for beginners. You can tivo the shows that she mentions in the forum and follow that rotation for as long as you are not bored or when you stop seeing results. Then you check out the more advanced posts and tivo those workouts.

I think it is also pretty good to start investing in some DVDs (I read some people say that the workouts on FitTV are not always complete and you have commercial breaks in between). If money is an issue then you can look out for pre-orders when Cathe releases new workouts or shop around on ebay and you might get lucky.

If you don't have much time to exercise then I think it's a good idea to combine cardio and some weight training in 1 day. This an idea for a rotation:

Day 1- cardio, upper body weights
Day 2 - cardio, lower body weights
Day 3 - rest
Day 4 - cardio only with stretching
Day 5 - weights only with abs
Day 6 - rest
Day 7 - rest

Hope this helps.


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