<--- I bet that you look good on the dance floor


<--- is up
<--- is only here to grab supplies and head to the HH
<--- is not fit for human interaction
<--- was happy to see Melvin last night
<--- is sorry that Melvin's life is so dang hectic
<--- still doesn't have the new workouts
<--- hopes there are lots of tissues in the HH
<--- hopes you all have a great day
<--sends ((((HUGS)))) Shelley's way.
<--hopes that nasty thing called PMS leaves her premisis PRONTO so that she can get out of that HH and come play w/her friends again!:)
<--is slurping java.
<--has to work today.
<--will be back!
<--waves to Judy.
<--tells her a Christmas w/o stress is IMPOSSIBLE!:-(
<--has been trying to acheive it for years now and fails every time!x(
<--is off to get more coffee.:9
<--thanks Judy for Pooh compliment. :+
<--didn't see Lee's comment on new work outs.
<--never gets back to read later posts on here much anymore. :-(
<--'s bedtime is getting earlier and earlier every week!:eek:
<--used to stay up until 11-midnight w/o question...then it was 10-10:30....and now <--has been reduced to a 9-10pm bedtime and is heading the way of 9 sharp soon enough!:7
<----says Mornin' Glories!
<----joins y'all in the java slurping:9
<----sends all of her leftover Halloween candy down the HH
<----hopes Shelley emerges unscathed
<----was super, duper glad to see Mel stopped in last nite
<----reminds y'all to vote today
<----wonders why <-- tossed and turned all nite, yet when the alarm sounded < was out like a litex( x( x( x(
<----tells Judy she is welcome;);)
<----needs more java;)
<--waves to Tammy.
<--clinks mugs with all of the java drinkers.
<--has to go now!
<---waves to hh residents
<---says, would ya pass a donut up here :9
<---is up for a toughie w/o today so will report back later
<---heard bagel go ding dong done so off to munch
<---hopes everyone has a good day
<---will bbl


My grandmother started walking five miles a day when she was sixty. She's ninety-seven now, and we don't know where the hell she is.
--Ellen Degeneres
<---waves good morning to everyone
<---is sad to see all the hecticness everyone is dealing with
<---was very glad to see Melody last night
<---would like to join Shelley in the HH just for general purposes
<---thinks it would be an excellent spot to avoid the hecticness
<---wonders if hecticness is a word
<---has a dictionary but is too lazy to look it up
<---is off to <---'s own version of hecticness now
<--- waves a cold, rainy morning to all
<--- assures Cuz that "hecticness" IS a word;)
<--- will be happy to stock the HH with provisions for anyone who needs it
<--- {{{{{SHELLEY}}}}}
<--- is so sorry she missed Sis yesterday:-(
<--- was lol at Lee's assessment of the workouts
<--- loves Tammy's furniture and workout room!!!!!
<--- is especially envious of anyone who has a workout room
<--- snorted beverages through her nose when she saw Tammy's candy bowl:7
<--- hates when Sparkly is dumped on by lazy parents
<--- needs to rush off for an early hair appt and needs to vote
<--- is making a pot of stew and will be tuned in to watch election returns
<--- is sorry if she missed anyone ^^^ there
<--- love and hugs for all:* :*

<--- edits to wave at Judy, Debbie, and Wendy:* :*
<--waves at everyone
<--has decided to keep DH around ;-) (as if <--wouldn't)
<--made a 2am run to Walmart for <-- for Nyquil this morning because <--was woken up then by a huge coughing jag that wouldn't let up!
<--didn't want DH out at that time, but he insisted
<--would LOVE some of Michele's stew!!!!
<--is glad that election day is finally here so the #*%))#&@)*% campaign calls will stop!!!x(
<---peeks in and waves
<---hopes Amy feels better soon
<---wonders how Melody and her boys are
<---tells Shannon it's okay to make up words ;-)
<---usually avoids hecticness by simply shutting down
<---did anyone say leftover candy and doughnuts?
<---did anyone say Christmas?
<---must've missed Thanksgiving :p
<---sends Shellers lots of hugs
<---is off to kick own a** and lift some weights
<---then eat leftover candy and doughnuts afterwards
<---hopes everyone has a good, calm day

<---is taking a tea break
<---is sending an additional provisions basket down the HH full of issue tissues for Shelley
<---is sorry to have missed TiGGer as she bounced off to work
<---is, like Judy, trying to prepare in advance for Christmas as fam damily will be piling in on <---this year
<---is, like Tammy, one who falls soundly asleep AFTER the alarm sounds
<---is looking for a solution and will share it with Tammy IF found
<---is certain the parents of the baby Maeghan sits need to be bopped on the head with the turkey baster
<---is on intercept mode regarding the donut Deb requested from the HH
<---is sorry for Shannon's hecticness and joins her club
<---is sending *miss ya* right back at sis
<---is hoping sis comes home with purdy hair
<---is sorry Amy is sick and thinks having to get out while sick and purchase meds at such an hour stinks
<---is joining Pinky on the consumption of junk
<---is happy to tell Pinky <---and boys are fine, thank you
<---is going to continue the schooling
<---is listening to the boys write letters to Santa
<---is going to need an armored truck to dump a load of money at <---'s home
<---waves at anyone who entered vvv while <---typed
<--waves good morning
<--slept till 11:30 :(
<--is getting ready to go into the office now
<--feels like something a much lesser cat than George dragged in
<--sends {{{{{{{{{{{{{{SHELLEY}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
<--also has raging PMS, a headache and body aches
<--LOL@ Lee's comment on the new WOs
<--hopes Deb has a great WO
<--is also sorry to hear how hectic Mel's life is
<--wishes Mel's life would calm down a bit so she has more time to play
<--wishes Michele happy voting
<--must get in there and vote to sway the house and senate the "other" way ;)
<--loves Michele anyhow :*
<--can't wait to go with her to Arrojo studio when she gets here! :D
<--knows about the coughing that lingers and sends big healing vibes to Amy
<--thinks those coughs are very annoying
<--wishes TiG and Pinky and Shannon and Meg a great day
<--must eat oatmeal now
Ms. Nancythefancy
ETA:<--tells Mel that Shannon gave <-- the new name
<--loves it!
<--pops in to shout a quick howdy-doody to all!
<--is off to work out now!
<--will catch y'all afterwards!
<---is eating lentil soup
<---had a nice walk outside during lunch break
<---is making good progress on another large job
<---is happy to see Mel so early in the day!
<---just dropped the entire spoon into the soup bowl
<---should not try to multitask :p
<---is honored that Nancy likes her new name so much!
<---gives a special wave to Cuz and may try to email her again pretty soon
<---should finish eating the soup before it gets cold
<--is here
<--feels like crappolla
<--doesn't know what the deal is with ^^^
<--waves to Mel and is sorry <--missed her last night
<--fell asleep on the couch, again
<--needs to eat
<--doesn't know what to eat
<--is of course still sending good vibes to Robin
<--wwaves to Pinky and is happy to see her
<--may take her lead and just shut down for a bit today
<--jsut wants to go to bed
<--or will just hang out with Shelley in the HH
<--is not ignoring anyone (really), just really hungry, so going to eat

Maeghan AKA megadoo


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