<--- I bet that you look good on the dance floor

<--pops in quickly to wave hello to the girlz before heading back to work
<--is happy to see Pinky
<--hopes Mel is hanging in there
<--hopes Robin is ok
<--sends Meg-lessthansparklytoday_a-doo a magic pill to feel all better
<--peeks into the HH and asks if Shelley is okay
<--runs back to the desk to git crackin'
<---pops head in
<---waves to <---home girlies :)
<---is sore but feeling good
<---would write all <---did but would take too much space. lol.
<---says, ask <---me if you care ;) phhhbt.
<---needs to cook, do laundry, get the boybameister outside to the park
<---says, oh yeah, had a tough night last night w/ boybie up almost every hour due to allergies.
<---says <---and DH are a bit of zombies today
<---thinks, what can you do.
<---thinks oh yeah! go yonder to the hh.
<---ahem. donuts please!!!!!


My grandmother started walking five miles a day when she was sixty. She's ninety-seven now, and we don't know where the hell she is.
--Ellen Degeneres
<--just checked out Tam's pics!
<--thinks the new furniture is lovely!
<--LOVES the bead look on the doorway to the w/o room!:7
<-- thinks it's like Old Home Week around here, with the notable exception of Robinella
<-- has done 2 of the new workouts so far
<-- has not previewed them at all
<-- did a premix last night and then another one this morning
<-- would so much rather take a nap than go to class today as a result!!
<-- is completely serious
<-- has not read
<-- is going to do that
<-- hasn't read much at all ^^^
<-- apologizes
<-- had a story from this morning but it was getting confusing to tell so <-- erased it
<-- hopes to take a nap today after class!!
<-- hopes you are all rested and doing well
<-- hugs Shelley and hopes the HH is being good to her :*
<-- has been using tissues quite a bit to wipe <- -‘s eyes the past couple days thanks to PMS
<-- waves to Wendy ~~~
<-- wishes Judy lots of luck and peace as she begins holiday shopping
<- - wonders how many ppl ^ has to buy for, and if she could do any shopping online to save her some time and frustration?
<-- waves to Tammy ~~~, is sorry she was rudely awaken this AM
<-- hopes Debbie’s tough one is going smoother than expected ;)
<-- sorry to hear about the rough start to Maeghan’s day
<-- loves Shannon’s newly created word hecticness :D
<-- thinks that word describes <- - life too lately, lol
<-- had a bit of a hectic day, too
<--‘s boss didn’t know that her son didn’t have school today and called <- - late this morning to get <- - to come early x(
<-- can’t believe a mother wouldn’t know when her child had a whole day off of school!! :eek:
<-- likes boss as a drinking friend, but is liking her less and less as a mother and person
<-- only drinks about 3 times a year, lol
<-- MUST know who Lee is so <- - can read post the post about new workouts :p
<-- wonders what kind of stew Michele made
<-- made a Carolina Veggie and Bean soup this morning
<-- shares in Amy’s relief that it’s Election day and all the commercials will be ending ;)
<-- waves to Pinky ~~~
<-- loves how Melody started every line with “is” :)
<-- waves at Fancy Nancy and is glad to hear she got to sleep late after her meeting last night
<-- seems like many of us are PMSing
<-- thinks it’s weird how insync we are :7
<-- sends lots of energy to Debbie and hopes all of her chores got done quickly and easily
<-- waves to Beavs
<-- waves to Amy G and hopes she gets a burst of energy for her class tonight ; )
<-- wanted to do Drill Max today, but had to come to work early and didn’t have time x(
<-- now wishes <- - hadn’t taken yesterday off
<-- will do Drill Max tomorrow, and do <-- best to keep a positive and calm attitude about all the details in <-- life : )
<-- should stop thinking of things to add as this has gotten quite long :p
<-- apologizes for length
<-- ~~~s til later
<--tells Connie that Lee is one of Melody's 3 boys
<--totally understands the feelings and situations with the babysitting Connie
<--feels a bit better from earlier
<--doesn't know what to make for dinner
<--asks what else is new
<--Had to go out and get the new Cars movie for the boys today, since daddy had promised it to them months ago
<-- was happy to see their excitement over it
<--thinks daddy might have been more excited about it
<--knows he is a MAJOR kid at heart
<--says atleast the baby was not fussy today, was quite pleasant
<--just checked and he is still sleeping
<--wonders if the HH is overcrowded yet today

Maeghan AKA megadoo

<--is back from errands and voting
<--tells Melody that <--didn't make the Nyquil run, DH made the nyquil run for <--!:D

<--is off to see if there is a kitty that wants <-- for a mattress:7
<--is home from work
<--sends big, gigantic hugs Shelley's way {{{{{{Shelley}}}}}}
<--wants Shelley to know that whatever she needs in the HH <--will send down
<--hasn't had time to read ^^^
<--says DD is coming home to vote and eat dinner
<--must go cook
<--hopes everyone is having a good day
<--takes a certain evil pleasure in hearing about holiday stress }( }(
<--had it for years until she finally put it to rest forever
<--says we have a family of mixed Christmas/Hanukah types who used to celebrate EVERYTHING x(
<--says the only holiday stress <-- has now is the annual firm Christmas party, but it's very low-key
<--thinks the Cars movie looked cute
<--hopes Amy enjoys her Nyquil
<--loves that stuff
<--tells elainee to check her email
Ms. Nancythefancy
<--has a lot of work to do but isn't in the mood
<--is going home :eek: :eek:
<-- liked Cars a lot
<-- was just surprised that it was the first Disney movie in... 14 years? that didn't make <-- cry
<-- tells Ms. NTF that she'll be a Partner now... nothing for the firm should be low key!!! }(
<-- is completely kidding ^^
<-- is off to nap
<-- is uber tired
<--hopes Ame has a lovely nap
<--had a great salad for dinner
<--feels blaaaahhhhhh
<--wishes this PMS would just end already
<--is going to crawl into the HH with her remote control and a bag of popcorn
<--hopes to feel better tomorrow
Ms. Nancythefancy
<---yawns on <---'s way upstairs
<---tells Connie that Lee is actually 1 of <---'s 4 sons
<---says one is all-growed-up and 3 at home ages 8, 9 and 11
<---fluffs the pillows, blows magic fairy dust and turns off the lights
<---secretly longs to be Tinkerbell
<---whispers sweet dreams:*
<-- thanks Melody for telling <-- who Lee is
<-- thinks it's cool ^'s son shares comments on Cathe w/o's! :D
<-- will have to find that post now
<-- thanks everyone for sweet words about <--'s avatar
<-- says his name is Chip
<-- is my first dog, ever
<-- wasn't so sure about having a dog at first, but now loves him very much :*
<-- is fascinated by <--'s love for Chip
<-- especially appreciates his love of lap-sitting in the fall and winter because he's so warm and cuddly :p
<-- can't figure out why no one is responding to <--'s post :-(
<-- was hoping for some help and guidance
<-- is wallowing in PMS emotions ;(
<-- thinks maybe it's a sign that <-- should figure out how to help herself
<-- wonders if anyone reads these late in the evening post in this thread? :p :7
<-- should get ready for bed...is tired
<-- nighty night :D

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