Not tneah, but I posted earlier about my new approach to legs, which was doing legs after cardio twice a week, mainly so that I didn't have to lift so heavy because my back was bothering me. After 3 weeks of that, I found that, my running improved and I had more endurance and my hill climbing was a lot better and more comfortable. The downside, was that I had no power when I rode my bike last week. So, I'm going to change again, and do 3 weeks heavy, 3 shorter workouts per week, then 3 weeks with moderate weight, and more reps twice a week. I didn't loose any lifting strength doing what I was doing, but I did loose functional strength.
I also commented on the impact of yoga. I use Brian Kest, and I like to tack on Tone after an upper body workout, plus I like Eion Finn and Shiva. Fluid Power by Shiva requires you to move your body weight a lot, and this has really helped my overall fitness. I have only done specific core work about 10 times since last January, but yoga consistently, and my core is the best it has ever been. Not to mention the faster recovery times and calmness.