I am really spoiled


I got out of work early today and did a step class at the YMCA.I joined for variety to get out of the house.

1st when you weigh around 170, and your butt is in everyones face you do not wear spandex. Especially grey when you sweat and your butt is wet. Gross...No 1/2 sports bras when you have rolls... Come on look in the mirror...Dress with a little class..

I have taken step classes in the past and pick up on the cueing easily.This woman would say one thing and do another and say , SORRY...The mike echoed and was terrible, and she would stop to change the cd. Hello... Heart rate elevated....Get it together...
This is a class...You are being paid and have been there for quite a while.

You should have seen the men trying to figure it out.

This woman had everyone but 6 people lost,(around 25 in the class) literally. The gym floor was slippy and the step was sliding and she kept doing these flippy moves . I do Cathe's and these were down right dangerous. No comparison.

Well, i think i will save my step aerobics to home.Stick to the elipitical or treadmill at the gym

Horray for Cathe and her great cueing .

Guess i am spoiled....

I know the coordianator, instructor. Should i say something, or not take her class anymore??

What do you think?
I seriously was afraid of getting hurt... I modified big time on the last step segment.
Hey Anne- I can only imagine...I have been working out at home only for so long now that I don't know if I could do the gym scene again. I am come on...WAITING for someone else to finish with something before I can use it, you are kidding me, right!! :) I totally agree and think I'd probably act like a spoiled kid not getting their way!

However now, when it comes to a class like you are talking about & the coordianator/instructor isn't doing a good job, I think that should be brought to someones attention. I would for sure say something & then if they don't address it, stop taking the class. I think you should let them know & give them the chance to change it so they don't lose business.

Now, for the fat ladies w/ rolls in spandex & 1/2 sports bras, will probably have to live with it...but hey, if the class gets up to speed like it should be they'll probably drop out anyway...}(
I say hey, at least those ladies are trying to do something about it right!!! Yeah, rolls may not be attractive with a sports bra but neither is skinny girls with their breasts hanging out of their sports bras. Hey, it gets hot while working out, I wouldn't want to be wearing a heavy shirt. I know that is why I workout at home because I can wear whatever I want and not have to cover it all up and sweat to death and feel claustrophobic. I tried going to a gym years ago when I was single and I hated waiting for equipment and people not wiping off their sweat or people talking on cell phones and stuff. So working out at home is much more pleasant for me!!! And yes, Cathe has REALLY spoiled us, hasn't she!!!;-)
Sorry that happened to you Anne.

Are there any other instructors who offer step at your YMCA? You could try a different one. I take a step class at my gym with regularity and the past 2 weeks the floor has been slippery. According to the instructor, it's from the salt falling out of the tread of our shoes while we step. I wonder if that's what happened to you?? As for the most of the class not being able to follow the instructor...that's bad! Can't help you there! :-(
Well, the floor was clean and shiny, so i don't think it was that.
I personally don't wear outdoor shoes for the gym. I bring mine in my bag.

She is the only step instructor. at night. It is only certain times of the day and Wed evenings.

This woman was literally doing spins on the step. Sort of like you would see in Skating. I guess you just had to be there.

I stood back for a minute on the 3rd step segment and watchhed. I was howling...
Oh, well. Maybe i will try the hi hop.

Something different...

I was not hacking on women that are heavier...
I was stating , that when you are rolling, you should wear a tank over or something to cover it. Maybe she thinks it looks good and attractive.It is like wearing a bikini at 200#. It is dress with a little class...

Thaks, i may mention it to Bea when i see her..
You just listed all the reasons why I workout at home with Cathe. I tried the Y and the instructor was so boring! she did the same warm up and routine for 2 months. My other favorite part was that it wasn't airconditioned in July!!! That's why I love Cathe!
You know, while I agree w/everything you've already mentioned, the main reason I prefer Cathe to gym instructors is she just makes better workouts, bottom line. They're more intense & effective than any class I've ever taken at a gym.

I tell my friends at the gym about her all the time & they don't believe me, they're skeptical, they make excuses ("I can't work out at home, I have to come to a gym"--WHY?????).

Anyway, their loss--I still take some gym classes on occasion just to mix it up but I'll always prefer Cathe at home simply b/c I know I'll get a better workout.
I think I would have walked out and complained.

First of all .. ther are a lot of instructors that are not certified but allowed to teach .. and some that take a group class and call themselves certified .. but aren't.

Second there are many that although may be certified .. have NO CONCEPT of safe stepping .. there are strict guidelines of BPM and safe moves .. but some choose to ignore the guidelines b/c they have no concept of teaching a safe AND effective step class.

Teachers like that give us a bad rep.

Finding a teacher that is right for you .. that is qualified and can push your limits safely is sometimes not an easy thing. There are what I like to call the cheerleader teachers - the drill sargeant teachers - the flower power teachers - the energy/caffiene addicted hyper speed teacher - and the no-nonsense come to my class and work your @$$ off but do it safely teacher (um .. ie: ME).. LOL

But my advice is skip this chics class .. she does not have a clue!!
I hate it for you that you actually had to lay your eyes on "gross" people when you were working out! Don't you think they should be kept out of gyms? Or at least restricted to working out with others of their own kind?

Ummmmmm, a lot of people with less than perfect bodies hesitate at the thought of joining a gym because they have been treated to attitudes like the one you express. They pay money which is every bit as good as yours and possibly feel they are entitled to the same respect you are with your perfect fit body! They pay that money because they want to reclaim their health and become the fittest person they can be.

No doubt there are others who post here who were once in less-than-perfect physical condition. They (or shall I say WE) worked hard to become fit. We stuck to it -- past the stumbling blocks of judgemental attitudes.

I hope the people at your YMCA are as successful.
I don't think that the original post was implying in any way that she thought the women were gross and disgusting or should not be allowed at the gym. She was simply making an observation (as I, myself have made many times) that some people do not dress appropriately for the gym. Or work. Or school. Or church. Or whatever. There are many instances when I have been uncomfortable around people who are dressed in a way that I never would dress. I don't judge them for being "fat" or "gross" I just feel that everyone should be able to work out in a comfortable setting.

I used to go to a gym for years that had a dress code where skimpy tank tops were not allowed and shirts must be worn at all time by both men and women. It's just a way to insure that everyone is comfortable. I work out at home too so that I can feel comfortable in just a bra and shorts--but I would never wear that at the gym. It's just not necessary.
The people who were pointed out as being dressed inappropriately were "170 pounds" or had "rolls", according to the original post. I stand by my comments.
Yeah. So. I have rolls too and I have enough decency to dress appropriately at the gym. The original poster has every right to feel the way that she did and so do you. I just don't think we need to be attacking each other.
I was 170 # about 3 yrs ago and would have not even thought about dressing in this manner in public.I would have been too embarassed.

What is wrong with a darker color pants that don't show the sweat, or a full nikie top, Not the shorter one.I wear black at the gym. I have blue, tiel and others at home that i wear at home for sweating purposes.
A big wet spot in the crack of your butt is not appealing if you can see it when you are teaching a class..

It is like not using deodorant in public.
It was not meant to offend someone who is heavier for being at a gym trying to get in shape.
It is awesome to see someone working hard to get in shape..

1st , it was not pretty to me by all means, and 2nd of all inappropriate as far as i was concerned.

Do you want to see plumbers crack in the grocery checkout. Maybe a big beer belly with no shirt at the gym..

The instructor by all means should be one to dress appropriately.
She wore dry nikie dry weave. They make them in longer tops.

After all i have to look at her to follow her lead and for instructions. It isn't like someone next to me that i don't have to pay attention to.

This was more about asking for advice about an instructors style and teaching that i think is dangerous.

I was looking for opinions on whether i should say something ?
The clothing bothered me, but i just won't take her class again.

No fighting.
Things are being taken the wrong way and blown out of porportion.
My response was not intended as an attack on the poster, but a defense of those with "rolls" who choose to improve their fitness in the setting of a gym. As you must know, getting rid of those rolls is an uphill battle, and the judgemental attitude of others is often intimidating to some!

I don't know that the gym is a "public place" in the same way that a church or the mall is. The purpose of clothing in a gym is that it be comfortable, supportive and non-restricting. People who have a few extra pounds should not be held to a different standard of attire than those who haven't.

If you work out in a public setting, then you probably need to be prepared to be around people who have a different idea of what is "appropriate" than you do!
>If you work out in a public setting, then you probably need to
>be prepared to be around people who have a different idea of
>what is "appropriate" than you do!

This does go both ways, you know.

Anne, hope you have better luck finding a class you like!!

>I tell my friends at the gym about her all the time & they don't believe me, they're skeptical, they make >excuses ("I can't work out at home, I have to come to a gym"--WHY?????).

I totally agree with Lauramax,I've got a friend that for the life of me will not even think of trying a cathe workout!She perfers the gym too! I've told her of all the results I've gotten w/cathe, and still no luck!....Dunno:eek:

I guess whatever floats your boat,right!:7

Take Care!
When I used to workout at a gym, I wore nothing but dark colored pants or shorts for that very reason. I did not want everybody looking at where I was sweating!! I think it's embarrassing, roles or not. Off the subject, I went to the gym once with my JanTana sunless tanner on, thinking I was hot stuff. A guy that I know came to say Hi while I was sweating away on the stair climber. He said,"What IS that on your shirt?" I looked down and it was brown sweat spots (on my white shirt:eek: )from the sunless tanner. HOW EMBARRASING!!! I was mortified. And to think that 5 minutes prior I thought I was hot stuff!!

I used to think that I HAD to workout at a gym, I just couldn't get motivated to workout at home. Now I'm the opposite. I love working out at home. Cathe has definately spoiled me!

A gym is most certainly a public place!! I am not one to judge one with a roll (I have a lovely one myself) but do not appreciate seeing half clothed people no matter what their size is. It's not the size of the person that is the issuse, but the lack of attire. Dark pants and shirts that cover are my vote.

I go to gym to vary my workouts and get very frustrated when the instructor, especially in the BodyCombat class, stop to go over form. Hey---my heart rate is up, could you explain while we are moving? I want to tell them that I am a very good follower. I do enjoy the gym for the most part but feel I have more control at home.

A gym is most certainly a public place!! I am not one to judge one with a roll (I have a lovely one myself) but do not appreciate seeing half clothed people no matter what their size is. It's not the size of the person that is the issuse, but the lack of attire. Dark pants and shirts that cover are my vote.

I go to gym to vary my workouts and get very frustrated when the instructor, especially in the BodyCombat class, stop to go over form. Hey---my heart rate is up, could you explain while we are moving? I want to tell them that I am a very good follower. I do enjoy the gym for the most part but feel I have more control at home.


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