I am not obsessed. I enjoy it!


Why is it that because I like and enjoy working out people tell me that I am obsessed with working out? Three times in the past two weeks (most recently 5 minutes ago!) I have had this comment made to me and I do not know why but it is bugging me today. I try and workout every day and some days I do doubles because I like cardio along with my weight routines. I rest when my body tells me which is usually once every 7 to 10 days. I enjoy life and do not miss out on things because I HAVE to workout. I will try and adjust my workout schedule so I can go to an event and not miss a workout. If I cannot then I do not workout. I workout in the mornings before work because I enjoy it and like getting up early to do so. I love working out and have done so most of my life. Why? Because I enjoy it!

Ok I have vented. Thank you for listening. :)
A friend of mine tells me I'm crazy all the time because I love to workout. Oh well it makes me feel good, it helps me keep up with my kids, and it is a wonderful stress buster. And the way I look at it, exercise keeps me from going crazy. If I'm having a bad day usually a pair of dumbbells or a spin bike can cheer me up.
Why is it that because I like and enjoy working out people tell me that I am obsessed with working out? Three times in the past two weeks (most recently 5 minutes ago!) I have had this comment made to me and I do not know why but it is bugging me today. I try and workout every day and some days I do doubles because I like cardio along with my weight routines. I rest when my body tells me which is usually once every 7 to 10 days. I enjoy life and do not miss out on things because I HAVE to workout. I will try and adjust my workout schedule so I can go to an event and not miss a workout. If I cannot then I do not workout. I workout in the mornings before work because I enjoy it and like getting up early to do so. I love working out and have done so most of my life. Why? Because I enjoy it!

Ok I have vented. Thank you for listening. :)

It's hard sometimes to disregard negative comments such as you are obsessed, you are working out hard cause you are scared of putting on weight etc...I even had a pathetic comment saying "I am working out because I am single".

My attitude towards this is to refrain myself from initiating any discussion about fitness topic to people who have no clue on the subject!

My advise is do not let such comments put you down or irritate you.;);)
At the end of day, truth need to be said sometimes ;), they are loosers cause they have not got the mental and physical strength to consistently stick to fitness routine throughout years whipping their body into amazing shape!:cool::cool:
Sounds like you have a balanced view of working out - stopping when your body tells you to. I see nothing wrong with your schedule. If that's what you want to do with your time and you love it, then who cares what other people think? Are you supposed to become a couch potato just to make someone else feel better about themselves?

Last week, I caught myself being apologetic to my husband for wanting to do a workout in the evening. His response was "why are you apologizing for doing something you love and that makes you happy?"

This is how people who care about you should respond to your love of fitness. Not putting you down, but being proud of yourself for taking care of yourself physically, mentally and emotionally.

That's my two cents! Keep up the good work!!!!
"Working out because you are single". Oh, now that is a new one.

I have had comments such as, "You work out because you don't want to get fat" {me: "true"}; "You work out because you don't want to have kids" {me: "you mean I could have saved thousands upon thousands of dollars on birth control all these years with a simple aerobic step and dumbbell? They didn't teach me that in Health Class."}; "You work out because you are avoiding something else in life." {me: "yes, a heart attack"}

And the list goes on and on. I also get comments on the fact I truly enjoy fruits and vegetables. I grab produce and nuts as snacks. I also don't gourd myself on fatty, heavy meals and bloat myself into oblivion like most of the commentors. After a meal, I feel satisfied while they are all complaining about how much they ate and how they need to start a diet. And don't get me started on the fact my favorite drink is water. I live in the extremely HOT desert and an ice cold water is just so refreshing. And guess what? I don't burp after water (like pop), I don't bloat after water (like milk) and I don't 'crash' after water (like sugary fruit juices).

And if working out 1-2 hours a day makes you obsessed with working out, I guess that means I am also obsessed with hygeine (about 1 hour per day in showering, washing hands, brushing teeth, nightly ritual, blow drying, etc), I'm obsessed with peeing (you know, after all that water I am peeing like crazy), sleeping (I'm really obsessed with that - like 8 hours obsessed), driving (getting around town takes awhile for us obsessed folks), talking (ok....that may be a real issue with me. I *do* like to talk), working (well, I am obsessed with getting paid), and sex....oh my!

And I guess that makes the rude commentors obsessed with eating (the minute they arrive to work, they discuss what is for lunch, what they had for breakfast, what they had last night for dinner, what they binged on last night in bed, what they will have for dinner tonight, etc.), they are obsessed with dieting (that is all they ever talk about - how they are fat, how they need to start a diet, how they are bloated, how they will start an excercise program...tomorrow, etc.), they are obsessed with TV (all-day talk about what was on TV last night), and obsessed with ailments (I know too much about every single person's health.)

Sorry - I had to vent also because this is also an issue with me that I just don't understand. No one mentions how my boyfriend is "obsessed" with working out - is it just to us ladies? I couldn't get away with comments such as "you are nuts for sitting on your a$$ all day and doing nothing" (they tell me I am nuts for working out most days of the week) or "Oh Brother.....here is Suzy and her obsession with her favorite food - BUTTER - all together now, 'ewwww'". (they tell me I am obsessed with my favorite food - berries - ew!). And why is it OK for them to say "you don't need to eat fruit, you are already skinny." when I can't say, "You don't need to eat that twinkie - you are already fat."

And I get it from my family! Do you know how much time we drive around for a "front spot" because they can't walk a few hundred feet to a store? Or how all vacations/visits involve doing nothing because they can't walk a block? (it isn't to have a lounging/restfull vacation, it is an 'I don't take more than 100 steps per day and therefore can't walk visit). And how much I have to hear about their weight and obviously lifestyle-related ailments. Yet I am the one they comment on.

I have been the same weight since my last growth spurt (other than pregnancy) and they say, with disgust, "you are as skinny now as you were in high school." Like it is a bad thing.

Ok, I better end it here. I am feeling snarky. But seriously, what do they care what I do? It isn't like I start exercising during a work meeting or out at a movie or on the phone with them.

I have found a lot of peace in this Eleanor Roosevelt quote I came upon recently:

"do what you feel to be right in your heart, for you will be criticized anyway"

Its amazing how many areas of life I have found that to apply! :eek:
I have found a lot of peace in this Eleanor Roosevelt quote I came upon recently:

"do what you feel to be right in your heart, for you will be criticized anyway"

Its amazing how many areas of life I have found that to apply! :eek:

Love this quote... I will be stealing it from you!

Thank you ladies for your replies. I was having a moment this morning. The person that mentioned it to me today said it with such disgust that it really bothered me and frankly I was taking back a bit. I have now decided that people are so negative sometimes to make themselves feel better.

Gobias.....loved your post!!!!!
Its because you don't rest except every 7-10 days and you must mention it in conversation. If you don't mention it, they won't have anything to say about it. Don't talk about it with your (frankly) nasty little friends.
In my experience when people put you down for your love of exercise it is more about how they feel about themselves than how they feel about you. It is threatening to them if you find a way to consistently work out when they deliver excuse after excuse about how they can't. I know it doesn't make it feel any better in the moment.
In my experience when people put you down for your love of exercise it is more about how they feel about themselves than how they feel about you. It is threatening to them if you find a way to consistently work out when they deliver excuse after excuse about how they can't. I know it doesn't make it feel any better in the moment.

Like this, I am going to have to shorten this into a positive quote;)
So true!
Its because you don't rest except every 7-10 days and you must mention it in conversation. If you don't mention it, they won't have anything to say about it. Don't talk about it with your (frankly) nasty little friends.

I hesitate to call your friend(s) nasty, but it does sound like they aren't very nice. Who has friends that treat them like this?

If you are obssessed, then I am certifiable. I don't have a single friend or family member that has ever spoken to me about it with anything less than admiration and awe. Maybe they don't understand it, but they sure as heck support me, and let me know that they think my dedication to health and fitness is admirable.

I realize you were just venting and that's cool! We all need that at times. However, having friends who make derogatory comments is not the norm.
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I hesitate to call your friend(s) nasty, but it does sound like they aren't very nice. Who has friends that treat them like this?

If you are obssessed, then I am certifiable. I don't have a single friend or family member that has ever spoken to me about it with anything less than admiration and awe. Maybe they don't understand it, but they sure as heck support me, and let me know that they think my dedication to health and fitness is admirable.

I realize you were just venting and that's cool! We all need that at times. However, having friends who make derogatory comments is not the norm.

This is so true. I have never had anyone (family, coworkers, etc) respond to my workout regimen (6 days a week, 4am on the weekdays) or eating habits with anything but admiration and "Gee, wish I could do that." Of course, my silent thought is, "Well, just do it. Start somewhere. Maybe just a couple of days a week for 20 minutes at a time, and pretty soon it will be the norm for you."

Seriously, though, you will not change people like that. The only thing you can control is how you respond to their (jealousy-tinged) comments, which should be, in one ear, out the other.
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"Working out because you are single". Oh, now that is a new one.

And I guess that makes the rude commentors obsessed with eating (the minute they arrive to work, they discuss what is for lunch, what they had for breakfast, what they had last night for dinner, what they binged on last night in bed, what they will have for dinner tonight, etc.), they are obsessed with dieting (that is all they ever talk about - how they are fat, how they need to start a diet, how they are bloated, how they will start an excercise program...tomorrow, etc.), they are obsessed with TV (all-day talk about what was on TV last night), and obsessed with ailments (I know too much about every single person's health.)

And I get it from my family! Do you know how much time we drive around for a "front spot" because they can't walk a few hundred feet to a store? Or how all vacations/visits involve doing nothing because they can't walk a block? (it isn't to have a lounging/restfull vacation, it is an 'I don't take more than 100 steps per day and therefore can't walk visit). And how much I have to hear about their weight and obviously lifestyle-related ailments. Yet I am the one they comment on.

I can relate to both of these issues.

Don't change who you are just to "fit in." You will be miserable.
I have gotten both the rude remarks and the compliments for my dedication to both my exercise and my eating. I am thankful for the praise and blow off the ignorance of those that bash me. I don't owe anyone an explanation. It's my life and how I live it is my choice.
Jealous & insecure

That's all it is. People who make rude comments like that are just jealous & insecure. They are envious that you do what they won't do (notice I didn't say CAN'T).

I encourage you to still talk about your healthy lifestyle around these people. If you sense any interest in the other person, be as encouraging as you can to get them started in the right direction. Even tiny little baby steps are better than nothing. Maybe even offer to lend them a Cathe DVD or two? Maybe that's what it would take to get them "obsessed", too?

Hang in there! It sounds like you're doing everything right.

I don't get the comments as much as when I try to talk to friends about working out, they get a glazed look...most of my friends do not work out...but have weight ans back pain issues. Since working out ( I started about 7 years ago) I am back to within 10 pounds of my High School weight...my cholesterol is down, no more lower back pain. The one friend I did have that worked out was paralyzed in a car accident(hit by a drunk driver) last year. I just find I do not talk about it with anyone, I do it for my health and because I like it. My family understands and that is all that matters. Plus I like to think I am setting a good example for my kids!
I tend to notice that the people who usually make these comments around me want to lose weight but either don't have the discipline to make healthy eating choices and don't know how to work out to achieve their goals, and are jealous because I have the discipline and know what workouts my body needs to achieve my goals. I have also had guys that I just met tell me that it doesn't take all that. As if I don't know what it takes, um hello I am a biologist and a certified trainer, I think I know a little bit about the human body.

Sorry for this rant. I guess I didn't realized it irked me that much! :)
Wow, I must be living in some sort of bubble, because I know very few people who are not active. So many of my coworkers workout, and we frequently talk about our various workout routines and goals. My job supplements our gym memberships and a lot of our employees take advantage of that. In my personal life, I also have quite a few friends who are active.

Now, where I do see some of the behavior you're mentioning is when it comes to eating habits. I can be somewhat obsessive about that, and I think that is why I generate comments...but I think that's on me. I think my strictness about my diet strikes some people as being over the top, which it probably is...I've just learned that unless I am over the top, I cannot get the results I want. I think they are responding to my extreme behavior, more than the concepts behind the behavior itself.
So... allow me to also quote Eleanor Roosevelt....."No one can make you feel bad about yourself without your permission". I try to live by that.....however.....I too prefer fresh fruits and vegies over fatty junk. I get the looks and comments from the not so fit folks. But if I DO have a treat those same eyes stare me down......you can't seem to win. Regarding my fruits I say "its natures candy". If its the sweets and someone makes a comment about the "tiny one" eating a pop tart I simply invite them to join me for a 530 am advanced level workout . So far.....no takers! I applaud labnick for sticking up for all of us that honestly do enjoy physical fitness. And to Gobias....I laughed outloud to your post. Every idea and situation is true, true, true!!! It's not an obsession rather a comittment or habit I thoroughly enjoy and actually benefits me. All of you are funny and encouraging and make me feel awsome about what we do in fitness. So thank you and thanks Cathe!!!

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