I am going to quit posting on this board!!

Hi Carola,

I also agree with everyone that you should delete the nasty emails. As everyone knows there has been trolls on the boards before, but I don't think anyone of us who use these boards regulary would resort to that type of behavior. Please reconsider staying.

Carola, I'm so sorry this happened, but stick around -- you'd be missed around here. Don't allow a few &(*^&^% chase you off, after all, the rest of us are pretty nice:). I'd forward the offending emails to SNM and let them handle it.
Carola, I'm really shocked to hear that! We once had an incident where someone was sending nasty emails to people, and the people who received the emails reported it, so everyone knew who the poster was. But that was just one person. Were your 6 or 7 nasty emails from DIFFERENT people on the Cathe boards? If so, did they contain personal attacks or were they just expressing differing points of view?

I've had one or two email exchanges with people here in which we respecfully explained our points of view, but we usually wind up being very friendly afterwards. If you are receiving emails which contain personal attacks, please don't go. Let SNM know about it. That type of behavior is not tolerated around here, and you can be very helpful by reporting it.
Carola, I'm sorry to hear that. You can set up your profile so that folks can't send you email, you know. (Or maybe they have your address through other routes, I don't know.)

Anyway, I hope it works out for you. :)

I'm so sorry this has happened to you, but I do hope you will reconsider. I have learned a great deal of info from the postings on the board, and have appreciated your input. If you have any more trouble with this, you could always forward the messages to Cathe and see if the individual(s) could have their login revoked.
Wow, I am really touched, I received so many emails yesterday and today, so I had to check back on the forum and I am really blown away by your kindness and support!!

I think many of your comments were right on, I shouldn't pay attention to those personal attack emails (I did repeat after Bill several times "sticks and stones break my bones ..... :) )and I may have overreacted, however, the last one just put me over the edge yesterday.

Yes, the other emails before were personal attacks, not different viewpoints, I have no problem discussing different view points, even if someone contacts me directly I will respond, I actually enjoy a discussion, as long as it stays on subject, factual and somewhat respectful and doesn't go below the beltway.

I am usually not bothered by personal attacks either, I have pretty thick skin and just brush it off or laugh about it, however, the last one was an attack on my children and I lost it! Anyone can attack me as much as they want to, but to bring my kids into the equation who have NOTHING to do with this forum was a little too much for me.

However, I do now realize that this may have been the reaction this person wanted and I am not giving him/her the satisfaction to have accomplished what they set out to do.

These emails didn't come through the forum PM, the forum was referenced but it had come directly to my email address from several different email addresses. Someone must have gone through my threads and found my email address on it which I had posted in two threads. I now found out that it is easy to set up several temporary email addresses and I believe that is what happened and I am now pretty sure it was the same person who sent it.

I did get extremely vicious personal attack emails many years ago when I was posting here under a different screen name, I reported it to SNM and they shut her down, however, SNM also told me that they cannot prevent that person to sign up with a different screen name and a different email address and she actually did.

Based on my previous experience, I think reporting those email addresses to SNM won't do any good. I am sure they have better things to do than chasing after trolls who will stick their ugly heads up again and again. So I am just going to take the advise of some of my dear friends here, ignore the troll and continue posting as I did before.

One bad seed is not worth losing out on sooooo many terrific people.

I may rub some people the wrong way because I can be very opinionated and blunt (just ask my DH :) ) and I sometimes don't realize that I have offended someone which really is not my intention. As I said before, I may not agree with some of you on a variety of subjects (and many don't agree with me) but I appreciate the different views and some of our discussions have made me look at some issue differently than before. I have learned a lot on this forum and I really would miss posting here.

Sooooo, thanks again, everyone for all your support and kind words.

Good for you...I'm glad you rethought the situation. Why some people choose to be so nasty is beyond me.

You're the better person in the situation.

Here's to many more lively discussions!:7
I'm new around here, but I'm glad you're not leaving. "Keyboard courage" is a great thing for people who are too cowardly to argue an opinion like a big girl/boy out in the open. They are simply not worth your time, engergy, frustration. I'm glad you're not giving those people the power to hurt you, they don't deserve to have it.
Hi Carola,

I've been on the receiving end of these as well...it sucks. Glad to hear you're gonna stick around. :)
Out the offending emailers. Post their names in a list for everyone to see. If they dont' know how to play nicely, I think we all should know who they are so we can avoid them. How sad and immature. Did you express a monster of an opinion?? I clearly missed something!
I've never understood why people make announcements that they are leaving the boards. Can someone explain that to me? The way I see it, you either post or you don't.
That is ridiculous!! So sorry that other are so immature. I get that people might want to have more discussion with you but when those emails are abusive or confrontational then those people not YOU should be blocked from the board.

I think it's a way of saying "goodbye" to the people that you've liked. I've stopped posting on the boards for extended periods of time, not because of anyone's behavior - but because I've become too busy with other things. I've never said anything about leaving.

Then again, I'm the type to to to bed without saying goodnight, or leave a party without saying goodbye. I don't like to draw attention to it. It's actually kinda rude for me to do that. Shame on me.
>I've never understood why people make announcements that they
>are leaving the boards. Can someone explain that to me? The
>way I see it, you either post or you don't.

Candi, since I guess I am the one you are talking about, I said it because I was pissed off and probably overreacted. I didn't want to just disappear and I can't email all the nice people that I have met here.

Sorry it bothered you!

Hello Carola and Everyone!

When I get personal emails from people I do not know, or junk mail, I just SPAM the address so that I will never get email from them again. Yahoo offers SPAM protection, so that you can block certain addresses.

Some guy emailed me last week and asked me out on a date!!!!! He said he was new to my area and liked my profile - which did not have much info on there, and no pictures either (so I got on and deleted some personal info on my profile). I was mortified. He sent me his phone number and picture! Very handsome guy, but I am not on this site for dates. I just got married this past weekend!

I SPAMMED this guy, and will do so to anything else that I do not like.

Glad to be with you all on this forum. We all have 2 things in common----we love Cathe and we love working out!

Take care all!


You are not the first to make such an announcement and then usually it's followed by people jumping on the band wagon begging the person not to leave.

IMHO, it's more effective to let the other board members know what's going on and then block your profile from anyone sending you the offensive emails.

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