I am an exercise snob!

RE: Big Picture Time

Did you just tell me to "shut my mouth, boy"? Not likely. Gee, I thought I sounded like Buddha. I was quite proud of myself. I'm crushed ;) Alexis
RE: Big Picture Time

Bobbi, the hamstrings cross both the hip and knee joint, and perform hip extension as well as knee flexion. So I would not disagree at all they are not being worked in a straight legged deadlift because in fact they are - to a much greater degree than in a lunge. A bi-articulate muscle works best when it is stretched over one joint (in the case of a dead lift the knee) while working at the other (the hip during hip extension on the lift). Straight legged dead lifts are a superb hamstring exerises. This is no comparison to the lunge, where the back leg hip flexor is on stretch with no joint action at the hip. I stated that in my previous post - the muscle is on stretch and not working as a prime mover. Therefore, it is receiving no strength benefits from the exericse, and won't even receive any stretching benefits if it is tight. I don't see the contradiction. And I don't feel I owe Bobbi an apology, Mommy Carole. Adults can disagree. Her statement "Roe, you are incorrect" has a harsh inference as well. We are obviously both looking at the topic from different perspectives.

And for the record, I do not see Cathe as a rival, but am sick and tired of reading posts from her cheerleading squad who are so quck to rise to her defense every time someone posts a topic that might stir up controversy. (The amount of support mail I receive off-forum is proof that you - Bobbi -, and others here, shame people for having an opinion that is not pro-Cathe.) I have stated many times that she is talented and has been a mentor to me in the fitness field. I do, however, find that she has taken her own fitness to an extreme. In regards to your post, Bobbi, in the "I want to Know!" thread, why is it necessary for Cathe to be 5 lbs under normal weight during filming? What type of message does that send to Cathe's fans who have battled, or are continuing to battle, eating disorders? I don't doubt that she is genetically blessed but she looked great in her Step Heat days, and very healthy and fit in the CTX series. The extra 5 lbs would have her at normal weight, and even at normal weight she looks small, fit and wonderful.

How do we know that Cathe herself doesn't suffer from self-esteem issues or internal/external pressures to maintain her level of fitness. None of you know the real Cathe, even those of you who have met her, and no one is perfect. Obviusly, some of her fans are feeling really crappy about themselves every time a new series comes out and Cathe and her crew keep re-inventing themslves to new levels of fitness that even the most genetically blessed would still have to work very hard at to achieve.

RE: Big Picture Time

"Mommy Carol"? There is only three year's difference between us. All the knowledge in the world isn't any good if you have to resort to childish comebacks in order to share it. I don't have the time or energy for these silly little games, Roe. I'm done with you. I only hope for the sake of your students and clients you don't speak to them the way you speak to us on these boards. Of course, they are adults too, and they can tell you to go pound salt. I know I would. Happy Holidays.

RE: Big Picture Time

I always assumed it is because she increases her activity to such a degree because when I increase mine, I tend to lose weight. Look, Roe, you know your stuff but you stated that there was no hip flexor involvement in the rear leg of a lunge and I reiterate that that is incorrect. If only because I do lunges and I feel my hip flexors' involvement particularly since I am inclined to step back since my legs are long. You are obviously knowlegable and perhaps that is why you take yourself so seriously.

As a former anorexic, I think your argument is ridiculous. As an echtomorph, I think your argument is ridiculous. I can't have Cathe's body but I am inspired by it. She makes me want to be the best I can be and to anyone with esteem issues, I say come aboard, because you will receive love and support from Catheites at Cathe.com that will help you overcome anything! I am awed by her knowledge and quite glad that she doesn't give quite as much information as I suspect your clients get from you.

Carol is a dear friend and an inspiratin to me and far too young and too much a gorgeous fitness babe to be my mother! These are discussion forums, a place to discuss working out as well as sharing our sucesses and sorrows and struggles and triumphs. I will never allow a flame directed toward Cathe to go unchallenged because I think she is incredible and I feel this in not the place for it. Go start a Bash Cathe group at Yahoo.

If you like, you might email Cathe and tell her to gain 5 pounds for her fitness videos and deliver them by September 1st. Anyone who is uninspired or depressed by Cathe can work out with someone else and should. I also think that people who cannot be told that something which is incorrect is incorrect, who then contradict themselves, need to be challenged by uncredentialed fitness buffs. Because I stated tha your statement that there is no hip flexor involvement in the rear lunge is incorrect and whether it's a primary mover or not, it is definitely involved.
http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/user.gif Bobbi
RE: Big Picture Time

Remember Maribeth? She was asked to leave the forums because Cathe's cheering squad was threatened by her knowledge in the field, and felt it was being taken away from Cathe. I wish Maribeth was here to participate in this discussion, as she far surpasses me in knowledge, and I loved reading her posts. Anytime someone challenges Cathe, you Bobbi, and others, flame that person like a mother lioness protecting her club. Cathe is a big girl, and she is going to be challenged in her field all the time, and criticiszed by other professionals who don't even read this forum. I disagree with instructors in my workplace and they with me, but that doesn't stop us from sharing our opinions.

I think Cathe is incredible too, but I don't see her as the Goddess, do no wrong, knows everything abuot fitness that you do. She is a human being, just like all of us. Why don't you build her a pedestal?
In fact, maybe it can be used and marketed in her next series, and we can all do leg presses on it.

End of discussion. Have a happy holiday!

RE: Big Picture Time

Well of course it's never the end is it? Not until Cathe's people have to come here and erase this thread, which they will do if this keeps up.
Roe, there's no doubt you are knowledgeable ok? But come down off YOUR pedestal and relax a bit.
We all realize Cathe isn't perfect. She may have misstated things before concerning muscle, exercise, etc. Who knows? I kind of doubt it really but if she did, you know, she's human like most of the rest of us. I mean, little things like worrying about microfibril number 10 on whatever tiny muscle you are talking about..that's lab stuff dear. And that's kind of where you have taken this whole hip flexor thing. I personally don't give a damn about the hip flexor. It's very minor for what I am doing. Once again, overthinking something and overanalyzing something really doesn't get you much in return. I could go the rest of my life knowing just basic kinesiology and I'd still be stronger with weights and in cardio than 90 percent of the population.
What I don't understand is if you want to duke it out with Cathe why don't you take it over to the "Ask Cathe" forum where she is more likely to see it and respond. What you are doing here is just exhibiting your nastiness by trying to incite Cathe fans directly in the Open Forum, where more of us are likely to see it. Cathe cannot defend herself if she never sees your complaints, so how about putting them over in the other forum? And Cathe, being the big girl she is, can defend herself.
Another thing. This is Cathe's site. It's not a democracy in here so if she wanted to ban people for whatever reason, she should be able to. This site is her property and we are guests in it. This site is for Cathe to promote herself and interact with her fans. It shouldn't be a place for Cathe-bashing. If you want to do that, go start your own little site for that.
Lastly, if Maribeth was banned for her knowledge I'd like proof please. Personally I loved Maribeth in here. And to say we are threatened by the "knowledge" that is exercise physiology is to basically say we are stupid. I have a degree in biology, chemistry, associate's in computer programming, and a patent that makes my company approximately 22 million dollars a year in sales. I think I can handle a little of the knowledge that people like Maribeth, and yourself for that matter, have to share.
I think Bobbi and Carol have alot to offer in here too. They are good people. I think they have been pretty civil with you and you should just calm it a bit. Ok?
Geez! All of this over a hip flexor!
By the way.......GOOOOOOOOOOOO 24!!!!!!
RE: Big Picture Time

What a thread. Sigh…seems a bit petty really.

Whatever Roe’s points are, by acknowledging them and continuing the debate over a bloody hip-flexor for f’’k shake is just adding fuel to her fire. She can think what she wants and say what she wants. Its up to her. But by choosing to fight back or even acknowledging her we are feeding her. And I personally see no benefit in that. Let her starve and the thread will die…

But for what its worth, Bobbie, Trevor, etc… you rock!
RE: Big Picture Time

Oh, Trevor, if only this were about a hip flexor! Roe, thinks "Roe, you are incorrect" has a harsh inference and there's the rub. I thought I was wrong once, but I was mistaken! LOL! She's so damn-ed knowledgeble and almost painfully techinical regarding the subject but she can't can't take a challenge I stand by because I didn't couch it in more gentle terms? I may never have completed any of the three degrees I began but I have absolute faith in my intelligence and not one whit of insecurity when it comes to speaking out. I can also be told I'm wrong without falling to peices or resorting to meanness.

And yes, it chaps my hide when people come into the forums and grouse about Cathe. Email her, for heaven's sakes, if you don't want people to weigh in, because we will! But I didn't think Roe was doing that in regard to our friend the iliopsas. I felt she was incorrect in saying it wasn't involved in the rear leg of a lunge. I think Roe's really smart and heaven knows I love picking up good information and she's a great source but I also know that I know what I know and knowing (oh my God, am I channelling Donald Rumsfield?) isn't only for the degreed among us. Now then, (do I ever shut up?) making this about my blind devotion to my idol, instead of my attatchment to my hip flexor does irk me although I love the image of a lioness because they are so beautiful!

So, Roe I am sorry that you thought I was harsh. It is never my intention to come across that way and I certainly concede that I could have disagreed less bluntly. It's all my husbands fault anyway, since he picked a fight with me and stole my sense of humor!

And I AM off to visit my Cathe shrine because I'm pulling out my equipment to do Timesave 1 this morning!

http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/user.gif Bobbi
I know where you are coming from, but I have to disagree with you when you say that there is no hip flexion involved in the rear leg of a lunge.

Unless the leg is elevated where it is truly a single legged squat, the hip flexor is engaged to hold the hip in a relatively stable position. Given the position of the legs, trunk and hips, gravity works to pull the body downwards, which would effectively extend the hip of the rear leg were the hip flexors of the rear leg not contracting. Granted, the contraction is primarily an isometric one, but it is indeed an active contraction.

As a physical therapist and exercise physiologist, this is an area of particular interest for me. And, there are tons of errors in video instructors' explanations, primarily because few are formally trained in biomechanics or exercise analysis.

I do believe that answers on fiber recruitment, fiber alignment, active vs passive insufficiency, and neurologic facilitation/inhibition answer virtually any question. The problem is explaining the above in a way that makes sense to the participant. It can be done, though.

RE: Big Picture Time

In your dreams. I'll give ya 10 minutes. Ya gotta start these changes slowly. Smurfette
PS What about MY needs? Where's my little guy?
PPS Sorry friend. I missed the head rub! I'm better now. Here's the thing Bobbi, when you stop talking, life isn't fun anymore. You're a pistol!
RE: Big Picture Time

Hey, I just saw a post on here by Maribeth!! Thought Roe said she was banned??? Oh, I am SO confused ...

I thought of all of you this morning while I did Super Sets, and the hip flexor in my back leg was SCREAMING while said back leg was balancing on a 10 inch step doing those one-legged squats!! Not involved??? I don't think so!! It was most definitely involved!!

Thanks, Maribeth, for clearing this up for us!! :)

RE: Big Picture Time

Hey, Roe,
Thanks for bringing me back into the discussions--even if I disagree with your contention that the hip flexors of the rear leg are inactive during a lunge!

People do get defensive--just as you mentioned, there was someone who wanted me to be asked to leave the Cathe forums, ostensibly because I was attempting to take Cathe's place. I think it was more a matter of that individual getting her nose out of joint vs. being an issue with Cathe. I have no doubt if Cathe felt I was out of line, I would have heard from her or one of the other moderators.

I agree with you on about not putting anybody on a pedestal--everybody, myself included, can be wrong on an issue and many things fitness have multiple factors that come into play. And, two people of different body types, predominant fiber types and densities, and hormonal levels will get vastly different results with exactly the same exercise routine.

I'll amend my earlier post to say that yes, virtually everything can be explained by angles, fiber recruitment, active vs passive insufficiency and neurological facilitation vs inhibition, but that the results of all of these factors will depend greatly on individual variances in anatomy, physiology and nutritional biochemistry.

Good for you in taking a less than popular stance and pointing out what you see as discrepancies in information! We need more questioning of statements--the questions either make us strengthen our own positions or force us to consider other perspectives!
RE: Big Picture Time

>Anytime someone challenges Cathe, you Bobbi, and others, flame
>that person like a mother lioness protecting her club.

What flame Roe? Bobbi's first post simply disagreed with you and was followed by an explanation as to why she disagreed.;-)
RE: Big Picture Time

Maybe the "flame" was in the post that Bobbi edited and deleted. It would have been her first response to Roe's post...
RE: Big Picture Time

>Maybe the "flame" was in the post that Bobbi edited and
>deleted. It would have been her first response to Roe's

Oh, I didn't thing about that. My bad!
RE: Big Picture Time

Sarah, I am shocked you would think such a thing! Let me clarify. The deleted post is the same as the reply with the quote. I had never replied with a quote and have been using the back button on the browser to dircetly quote a post but in the likley event I forget exactly what I want to quote, I have to go back again so (and again), so I clicked edit on the origianl post and deleted it and and re-posted using the reply with a quote link and, viola! I only realized I could edit quote last week and I have been pestering you guys in these forums for years! You learn somethng new everyday. All my flames are on the thread in plain site!
http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/user.gif Bobbi

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