I also can't see new videos


I also received the decompressor error message when I tried to view the new videos. I followed the directions provided by Microsoft to try to rectify the problem, but nothing worked. I have Windows 95 and I cannot download the latest Media Player which is #9 as Windows 95 will not support it, but I did download the latest version that was allowed. My security settings are already medium and I have the latest version of Internet Explorer. I have no idea why I cannot view the latest videos. Do you have any other suggestions that may help me view them? I would really like to see them to help me select which ones I'd like to purchase. I have no problems viewing the older videos. Thanks for any suggestions you may have.
RE: Windows 95

I'm not sure you will be able to make this work with Windows 95. Windows 95 is very old now and no longer supported by Microsoft.One thing you could try is to upgrade to Media Player 8.0 (I think this may work for Win 95, but check to make sure). The install just the 9 series codecs (not the player.
RE: Windows 95

I'm having a problem too...only I have a Mac OS X...I've tried manually typing in the URL for the video clip (which has worked for me in the past), and I'm able to get the sound but no video! Do you have any idea what I'd be able to do to remedy my situation? Thanks! :)
RE: Mac

Thanks...I had tried installing this version before, but hadn't uninstalled the previous version...I just did that (uninstalled previous version), reinstalled the version for Mac OS X, and it still tells me the same thing when I try to play a video..."Mac does not recognize addresses starting with "mms"...that's why I manually typed in the address (starting with "http" instead of "mms") to begin with...and this is when I get only sound and no video...hope this makes sense! lol
RE: Windows 95

Thank you for your suggestions, unfortunately, they didn't work. I can get sound (which I could before as well), but no picture. I do appreciate your help, but it looks like I won't be able to view the videos with Windows 95.:-(

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