I’ve never thought of myself this way.


You may or may not be aware of this, but I’m in martial arts these days and have decided to go for my black belt. If I make it, I’ll be the second woman in my school to achieve one. The style that I am in is pretty tough so not many people survive after orange and even less for women.

Anyway, Tuesday night, I went to class and received a pretty good injury. I’ve been avoiding the doctor because I HATE doctors. Well, yesterday I was moving around way too much on my injury and I really felt it last night big time. So, I decided it was time to just buck up and go to the doctor.

I find out my doctor is on vacation until the 21st of May and I had to see another doctor. I went to see the head doctor which kind of surprised me because I’ve only seen him once before after my gall bladder surgery and I had tracheaits.

I get on the stupid scale and I’m up 2 ½ pounds. Ok, instant piss off. I try all the mind talk with myself about not getting upset over it, but it didn’t work. I do not understand how I can increase my weight by 2 ½ pounds and go down another dress size.

I get in the room; the nurse checks me over and leaves. I lay back on the table thinking about how sick and tired I am of that stupid scale and I was also going to talk to him about a body fat percentage test. The doctor comes in and he checks my injury, I get to go get x-rays, yippee! He asks me how I got it and I told him the ugly story.

So before he can boot me out . . . I stop him and ask for two things. One was the script for my PT, not a problem, no big deal. The second was the body fat percentage test. He tried to get me to buy one of those stupid scales . . . and I told him no I needed something more accurate. I told him why I wanted to know that. He told me that the most accurate test was to be submerged in a tank of water.

Then he stops and sits there for a minute . . . you know, like he was getting ready to have a serious conversation with me. I’m thinking, “Utoh, what did I just do? Ok, bring it on.”

He tells me that most athletes don’t even weigh themselves. They are more concerned with running that extra mile or doing something by a certain time frame. I told him that I don’t weigh myself, the only time that it bugs me is when I come in here. He told me to tell the nurses not to weigh me anymore. He tells me why they weigh most people, but for athletes, they are more lenient on weight.

He also talked about some of the athletes that he treats that are way over their charted weight. He tells them not to worry about it because the body will regulate itself for the type of activity to protect itself and perform the activity.

He then verbally patted me on the head and sent me off for my x-ray to come back with my pictures.

I come back and they take me to the room. I wait and he comes in telling me that no bones were broken and that I have really strong healthy bones and good strong joints. Ok, cool. I ask him when I would be able to return to Karate and he didn’t answer me. So I brought it to his attention that he didn’t answer my question. He said that he knew that and did it intentionally. He gave me the as we age speech. I just said, I don’t care about that, what things do I have to be aware of that will signal that I can return. He told me.

Then he said, “You know it’s going to depend on the attitude and the nutrition as well as the rest.” I nodded, I do know that. He started to tell me about nutrition and he could tell by the conversation that I did know a wee bit about nutrition. Then he tells me that athletes need to be careful.

I go and get some lunch, because by this time it’s lunchtime. And in my car . . . I’m thinking about how happy I am that I can get my knee taken care of so that will be one less thing out of the way preventing me from achieving my black belt. Then it dawned on me. Was he referring to me as an athlete? Was he classifying me in that category? OMG! An athlete? I’ve never consider myself as that.

Then I started thinking . . . look at what I’m doing. The reason I’m going to PT. Being in there with a sports related injury. Kind of anal retentive about my diet and how I fuel it. The amount that I practice and what my goals are . . . could it be . . . could I be an actual athlete and not even know it? I think I am. Holy cow, I’ve never thought or seen myself in that light.

What a trip to the doctor.

Keta. :D

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I went from a HEY COOL! to a WELL THAT JUST SUCKS! :'(

I went for my PT visit. I’m out of the game for three flippin’ week! THREE WEEKS! No activity, none, nadda! I was almost in tears on my way home. I cannot work my knee, my hip, or my ankle. :'(

I’M SO BUMMED! My youngest asked me if my cat died when I got home tonight. I told him no and he wanted to give his mom a hug because he thought I could really use one. :'(


Keta. :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(

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Hi Keta,

I really wanted to have something upbeat and positive to say, but everything I come up with, this little voice inside my head says, "if it were you, you wouldn't be trying to hear that s--t!"
So all I can say is, "we all know how important it is for the long term to listen to our bodies and give our body what it needs, whether we want to or not!" So think of these 3 weeks as a good rest for your body, refueling time for mind, body and soul, and have fun planning your "comeback" after the rest is over.
I know if it were me I'd be freakin' out too, but "this too shall pass" and you'll be back at it full steam shortly! :)

Feel better, and I'm sending you some positive healing vibes right now>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>:)
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON May-10-02 AT 06:45PM (Est)[/font][p]Well, today just keeps getting better.

I decide that I'm going to drown my troubles in melted cheese (pizza), I haven't had pizza hut pizza in months. I cannot even remember the last time.

I place a pick up order.

I go and pick it up and there are these two kids right by me. I'm trying to pay and the big brother, pushed the little sister back and she stepped on my ankle! She was between 8 and 10 years old and not light.

D*mn that HURT!

I'm not leaving my house or moving around too much!

Keta. :(

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Congratulations on the revelation, Keta! Shame on you for letting a two pound difference on the scale bum you out! http://www.plauder-smilies.de/yellows/wink3.gif You KNOW that 2-3 pound flucuations are normal and to heck with the scale anyway! You are an Athlete and a black belt in training! It's those goals which help to keep us on that track! I signed up to run a half marathon and to raise money for Joints in Motion, the Arthritis Foundation. I help someone out while I help myself stay fit and motivated! I love it! You go, girl!

Bobbi http://www.plaudersmilies.de/chicken.gif Chick's Rule!
Hi Keta,

As a fellow martial artist who never thought of herself as an athelete - WAY TO GO! I was laughing as I read your post because I could see myself in your shoes 'am I an ATHLETE? Is he talking about ME?' I still don't agree with people when they tell me I work out all the time. I say, no...just tae kwon do, kickboxing, and Cathe...Anyway what you're going through is something I worry about as well - I'm 2 years into my training and so far (KNOCK WOOD) no lasting injuries - but what would happen if I DID injure myself? I've decided that you have to look at how hard you are training and think that a few weeks off your feet and out of the dojo might actually be a GOOD thing!

Anyway happy healing!

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