Hungry for New Workouts!


Hi All,
Just wondering if anyone else is hungry for new workouts? Since I discovered Cathe several months ago, I have difficulty in making myself do any other workouts but hers!! I had a break recently due to moving house, and the only tapes I reached for to get me started again were Cathe's! I feel as if I should be buying some new workouts by other instructors but just can't convince myself to do this at the moment! I tried doing Kathy Smith's Lift Weights to Lose Weight the other day which is a tape which really used to challenge me, but it just wasn't anywhere near hard enough (sorry Kathy!). This must be a good thing, right? Is this what they call Fitness Monogamy (he he!!)??!!
Ah well, I guess I'm just going to have to wait for Cathe's next batch.
Just wondered if anyone else is "champing at the bit" ?!

Today Is The Tomorrow We Worried About Yesterday And All Is Well.
Okay Kaz~you know the old saying, "be careful what you wish for!" I have found 2 kickboxing videos (by the same instructors) that are absolutely addictive! I liken them to Cathe!
They are the Powerstrike Millenium Series 1 & 2 videos. They are intense kickboxing videos! Great workouts, major sweat producers, and they leave you room for growth (like Cathe's videos). You can check out their website at, they don't give a lot of background info on the videos, but if you want a thorough workout, with the intensity of a Cathe, they are it! :)
They are pricey, like $22. each plus s&h made mine $31. each, but I should have gone on and bought both at the same time, but I didn't, so I had to pay shipping for both. And the stupid thing is I loved the first one so much the day I did it, I bought the other one the next day!
There's also a thread here on powerstrike if you want to check it out. It's on the Video Questions/Comments board.
Glad you're back :)
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Apr-09-02 AT 03:22PM (Est)[/font][p][font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Apr-09-02 AT 03:21 PM (Est)[/font]

Now Donna, I'm gonna have to stop following you around if you're gonna cost me $$. Every time I go to VF, I spend and now here too??? Powerstrike, you say? I think that's the thread I've been trying to avoid.

Kaz, I know what you mean. Cathe has this strange hold on me right now. I can't believe she'd let a pregnancy stop her from making ME some new videos!!!! But, isn't there a rumor that she's gonna make new ones next fall? I think I read that a few months ago on the "Ask Cathe" board. Can't wait.

OK now Donna,

I've been hearing you talk about these powerstrike videos and it is intriguing me. I have alot of Taebo videos which I love. I'm scared to try any new kickboxing because I like taebo so much. I read somewhere on videofitness that you either like taebo or powerstrike. Do you think that is true? One thing that I absolutely love about taebo is that I always feel like my abs get a rock solid workout. Billy does alot of stuff that focuses on abs and I definetly see the results in my abs when I do his workouts with proper form. What about powerstrike? What does it do for the abs in your opinion?

Thanks for your help,
Hi Kristie,
Listen, at my weight I can't tell yet what it's doing for my abs :) but I can tell you I feel worked out from shoulders to ankles by the end of the hour, and I can't even begin to describe the "sweat factor!"
But I'll make you a deal~I've been curious about Tae Bo, never tried it due to the same rumor, "either you like it or you don't", so you give me a recommendation for what you feel is the most intense of the Tae Bo series (I know he has like a million of them)and I'll give Billy a shot! I hear his drills are fast paced, but I like that, so are the powerstrike drills.
Perhaps you could post a question like "Tae Bo vs. Powerstrike" so that those who have done both can give you some feedback on where they are similar and where they differ.
I know what you mean about Cathe. I look so forward to getting home from work and doing one of her tapes. I could be in a down mood and then I start doing my work out with Cathe and I feel so great. She is the best! She is so real and not fake. And she is so full of energy. And I always get a super work out!

I just read this thread, so I ordered the two powerstrike millenium videos. I love kickboxing. But I have to tell you that I absoutely love Billy BLanks Tae Bo! I started to do his videos three years ago and saw a tremendous difference in my physique. It was especially on the sides of my hips(love handles) and my abs. I finally found something that whittled that off of me. I would never give up Tae Bo, as I would never give up any of Cathe's workouts that I do. I do tae bo the advanced tapes. I have to say that I am 46 years old and have had ten children the last of which just turned 1 year old. I started doing Cathe's videos seven years ago - but it was the Tae Bo that took off the extra "baby" fat.

Kickboxing seems to be the only exercise that can really work that part of the hips. So, I will let you know how I like the powerstrike compared to the Tae BO. If you want a good Tae Bo tape go for the Getting Ripped Series Advanced - volumes 1 & 2.
I have 15 advanced Tae Bos, of course, I like some more than the others.

cmoroney -10 kids -WOW!! How do you fit it all in!? I'm worrying about fitting everything in now, and I don't have kids yet! My hat is off to you my friend!
Donna - I may just have to give those Powerstrikes a go. I think CK Sales carry them so I'll go have a look! Are they very similar to Cathe's style? Can they be modified from hi to lo impact?
Thanks, Kaz.

Today Is The Tomorrow We Worried About Yesterday And All Is Well.
Hey Donna,

I agree with cmoroney that the get ripped ones are the best. But before you do these you should do the instructional video to understand his kicks etc. I bet that someone would send you the instructional for free if you asked. Cruncholi(Linda) might have it. I don't have mine anymore or I would send it to you.

I'm considering trying the powerstrike videos though because I've heard so many great things about them. And taebo is great but you need a break from the same person/videos once in awhile ya know. I'm also considering ordering some mindy mylrea videos. I love Cathe but she doesn't have that many non-step cardio videos. But of course I have Imax,circuitmax and mic. I don't really care for step videos too much. Got too burnt out on it when I used to be a gym-goer when step was the big craze.

I've read alot of your posts and I think it is great that you are so dedicated to yourself and have lost so much weight. You go girl! You are an inspiration!

They can be modified...

Hey Kaz,
Yes, you can modify Powerstrikes just like Cathe's. I think the difference is because their moves (Powerstrikes) aren't big power moves like plyo-scissors and other "jump oriented" moves, you don't really feel the need to modify much.
I do however modify certain moves like I don't always make all the push ups during the warm up (who do they think I am?), it's the freakin warm up for pete's sake! But for the most part, it flows so quickly that you find yourself just doing it and before you know it, it's over! They are so fun!
Thanks Kristie,

Thank you for your encouraging words, but without all you guys here I may not have been able to get this far, so I always give credit to this forum, it's seen me through some tough times!

Okay, I'll check out the "Get Ripped-vol 1 & 2" and maybe I'll like Billy too :)
You people just force me to spend money! But hey, I'll get over it, my hubby might not, but I will :)
Billy~here I come!

It doesn't take much to convince me to spend money on a good video, but anything that can burn off "baby fat" and love handles is worth checking out!
So, I'll check out Billy and I think I can find enough "love" in my heart to support another instructor! :)
I'll post back after I get it and try it out!

Thanks for the advice,
Instructional Video

Hi Donna/Kristie,

I just read this thread. I think when I sold "lwseymour" a TaeBo video, I also sent her the instructional video. If she is done with it, she may send it to you! I would check with her! It's not one of those things that you watch over and over again once you get the proper form and the basics down.
I hope you find it!

RE: Instructional Video

Hi Cruncholi,
I have a friend in the next town (my God that sounds SO rural!) that has it. She's got several earlier Tae Bo's and I can borrow hers to view, she said the same thing, "it's not something you do over and over, just view and move on," so she's dropping it off for me in a day or two.
RE: Instructional Video

Yes, Cruncholi is correct, I did buy a tae-bo from her that included the instructional. Thanks Cruncholi for the great deal for those 2 videos! GetnFit, let me know if you want me to send the instructional video to you if your friend nearby doesn't have it to lend you. My email is [email protected]
I turned out to be one of those that DOES like Billy. I can't keep up with him, but I like him! I've been thinking about buying the get ripped series, but now I'm also wanting Powerstrike. So many videos, so little time.
RE: Instructional Video

Lisa & Donna,

Sounds like the instructional video situation is under complete control. Hope ya like Billy.


I'm glad that you like taebo. I know what you mean about being able to keep up with Billy. I did the purple cover get ripped advanced last night and WHEW I had trouble keeping up. But it is such an excellent workout as are his others. I find that if it is too hard to keep your legs up high just lower them, even almost to the floor if you have to, but just keep going. I like videos that are hard to keep up with because they challenge me and give me something to build towards as opposed to a video that I can do all the way through the first time I try it. I know that alot of people have said that they hurt themselves doing taebo and that it goes too fast. I've never had a problem with it. If I feel like it is too fast I just slow down or lower my leg.

So glad to hear that you found the instructional. I think that you can find the get ripped tapes for $20 for both somewhere but I cannot remember where. Maybe someone else can chime in and let you know where to get them for cheap.

Thanks for answering up about the instructional tape. Hope you're doing good and having fun planning your wedding!

bye all,

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