Huge prayer request for my bil...........m


Please put on your prayer lists my bil's Non Hodgkins Lymphoma is back and it is throughout his body including his bone marrow this time. Plus he just had his hip replaced. He is looking at weeks of 24 hours a day chemo, salvaging of stem cells, killing off the cancer in them and then in October a month long hosptial stay where they put the stem cells back in, pray that the take and that there is no cancer left in them. He is only 51 and with no treatment they give him 3-6 months to live and no time frame with treatment.

Pray that this works he was/is comtemplating not even doing the treatment, and my dh (who is his brother) is not taking this well at all.

My prayers are with you, your DH, and BIL, and all the family. I am wishing you the best, and sending many hugs!

Maeghan AKA megadoo

New pics added in July 25 2006 and Fitness album!!!![/img] [/url]
I will certainly keep your bil and your whole family in my thoughts and prayers. Please keep positive thoughts!!!
My prayers are with you, your bil and your entire family. {{{HUGS}}}


"Age is a question of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter." Satchel Paige thoughts and prayers are with your BIL and your DH and all involved...sending hugs.....

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