hsta and step height


I am going to purchase HSTA and currently have my high step height at 8". I have been doing legs and glutes with this height and feel that I could go 2" higher. Should I order the extra riser for that workout and then after I acclimate to HSTA add the other riser when doing that workout as well. Just wondering what others are using for their high step work outs. Any advice would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance,
I guess it would all depend on your height and preference. I know that Cathe uses 5 risers (14") and I am 5'6" and use a 14" high step for all of Cathe's workouts where she has a high step segment. I find that the 14" (opposed to the 12") gives me just that little extra "umph" to really get in there and target the glute area.

Thanks for replying Jenn. I am 5'4 and 1/2" tall (I've been measured several times and I'm always in the middle). It looks like Cathe isn't that tall either so I'm sure I'll be fine. Have a great labor day!
I love this workout!! I'm doing a month rotation with it. 3 days a week with 3 days a week of kickboxing.
I'm 5'3" and I use 14" on the high step.
>Can someone tell me what hsta is? is it the high step

High Step Training: Advanced

As for step height: be sure that whatever height you use, your knee is not at less than a 90-degree angle at the top (a right angle) as strating with a tighter angle puts more stress on the knees.
>Can someone tell me what hsta is? is it the high step

It's High Step Training Advanced
Another mighty 5'4 gal that uses a 14 inch high step for leg presses! I've gone to 12 inches before, but that seemed too low...however I went to 14 inches also and thought my knees would pop outta my legs, too! Soooo....14" it shall stay :7!

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