How's the progress on the new gym?


Hi Cathe,
How's the progress coming along on the new gym? I know a few of us hope to visit after it's ready.

I've been reading lately about Cathe's new gym! Where is it going to be located? Upsate NY (I hope), or another one in NJ? I love to know the details. I am hoping to meet Cathe someday in person and take one of her classes.

Susan CM
Hi Dawn! I was just there and it is coming along nicely. We will update everyone when it is complete. I am looking forward to holding events once it is completed so it will be great to meet you at one of these. Take Care:)
Can someone refer me to the original email? I thought that Cathe teaches at the 4 Seasons hotel gym. Am I way off? So is this gym a replacement for that gym, or am I totally out to lunch!?!
Hi Punky 3333! Coincidentally our facility shares the same name as the Four Seasons Hotel, however there is no affiliation. We have always been our own establishment in Glassboro, N.J. We are now in the process of building a bigger facility just down the road that will also house our new filming studio. Yippee, can't wait ;-)
Oh If your going to hold an event I will make sure I come because I am from NJ but 2 hours away and my mom and my 8 year old son and of course me are dying to meet you:)
Yes, please let the forum members know. I live in the midwest and would love to schedule a trip east to meet you and see the facilities you have - and take a (gasp!) live class!

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