Hello everyone! My kids are 7 and 9 a few months shy of 8 and 10. I live in a small and I mean small town in Napa County California, . . less than 3,000 people. I've been allowing them a little more freedom to walk to a small park less which is less than 1 and 1/2 blocks away from our house to play with other kids. I know everyone says this but my kids are really good. I've been strapping my cell phone to my daughters waist (with a spri-no bounce fanny pack) and telling them that when the phone rings it is time to come home. It has worked great and of course I sneak over and spy on them to make sure everything is okay. I never thought I would ever in my life get my kids a cell phone but my cell phone is far to expensive for me to allow them to use. I wanted to get them a really cheap phone as an add on to my plan. Do you think 7 and 9 is to young to own a phone? It would only be used for me calling them and not friends.