How to take proper measurements


Does anyone know the proper way to take measurements? And, what "healthy range" measurements are... Or is there a web site?? I'm going to FINALLY ditch the scale, and ONLY focus on my measurements.. Also, How often should you take measurements?
Thanks guys..
Thanks Shelley! I've been thinking of taking body measurements, what with all this friggin cardio. I think that might be a better way to track my results.

>> "what with all this friggin cardio."
>LMAO, Michele!

I know, I know! My efforts pale in comparison, but I am into my 5th..FIFTH week of doing cardio a minimum of 4 times a week. So there!
:p :p :p

Thanks for the link Shelly....
By the way.. I Do NOT like my measurement numbers... I do not like them at ALL lol...
I dont like my measurements at all either!
Weird, I have been following BFL eating, and working out really hard, and I lost 14 pounds..and my upper body looks like it is getting pretty toned..but no inches off my waist or hips yet!
I hate the tape measure!!! And I truly detest the scale!!! lol
Yep same here... Ok.. here goes...I can NOT believe I'm sharing my measurements with all of you.. but...I want to know how I fare...
the calculations of my body fat percentages.. are on the high end of "normal"..
My measurements are as follows..
Height 5.5 1/2"
Weight the last week.. I've been between 140-145
Waist 32
hip 42
For you "pro's" out "bad" are these numbers???

I slam my eyes shut and hold my breath as I click.. "Post message"
I hate, I hate, I hate my waist. It is never ten inches away from his hips. I am too heavy now, and my hips are 37, and my waist is 28. I also measure 43 inches around the shoulders; does that mean I have huge shoulders? Thighs are 20 inches, and I didn't do the rest.

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