How to rotate series?


New Member
Hi Cathe,
Since I am mainly use your workouts I was thinking of making a rotation with the following:

4 Day Split series
The series before 4 day split - Drill Max, Butts & Guts, LIC, and BM2
Body Blast series
Intensity series
Hardcore series
Pure Strength
Slow and Heavy

I was planning on using each series for 2-3 weeks, and then moving on to another series. My goal is to lose weight and build/tone my muscles. What order would you suggest I rotate the series?
Thanks so much :)
I tried to edit my post but the time had expired. Anyway, I wanted to add that I would appreciate suggestions from other members as I realize that Cathe is busy and might not be able to answer. Thanks :)
You might get a better response if you post this in the Rotations section. Also, it's easier for others to find the thread later.

Hi Stormy! Try this order:

Drill Max Series

Slow and Heavy

Intensity Series

Hardcore Series

4 days Split Series

Pure Strength Series

Body Blast Series

This is just one of the many ways you can vary it! Try to alternate doing a heavier strength training series for about 4 weeks and then switching to a less heavy weight series for about 4 weeks. Then heavy up again, etc.

Have Fun! Please remember to post this question in either rotations or open discussion forums for more ideas from everyone if desired.

Take Care!

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