How to "relax"?

RE: How to

Me too, Susan! You just described exactly what I go through. Everything has to be "just so". Meanwhile, my DH can relax anywhere, any time, no matter what's going on. It's not fair I tell you. x(
RE: How to

Hmmm, it's true. Come to think of it, I don't know any Aries folk who can relax. And that includes the two of you, Shelley and Kali. Maybe we are doomed by our birthdates.
RE: How to

>Hmmm, it's true. Come to think of it, I don't know any Aries
>folk who can relax. And that includes the two of you, Shelley
>and Kali. Maybe we are doomed by our birthdates.

DOOMED TO NEVER EVER BE ABLE TO RELAX!! Somebody just help me relax please! Turn it off turn it off!!

RE: How to

It seems to be more a woman thing, doesn't it. My DH can sit around all day, ignoring piles of stuff that need to be taken care of. He is the king of procrastination, yet he never gets burned. Meanwhile, we fuss and plan and over-analyse and make lists. Then we feel worthless if the list hasn't been accomplished down to the last item. I'm being to think I need another week at the beach!
RE: How to

Interesting, Robin. Maybe we should start a new thread to find out how many women have men in their lives who are more relaxed than they are. I'll bet we'll find it's a majority.
RE: How to

I'm a Taurus and my mom's bday was last week and we're the same way. I think it's got to be a gender thing more than a zodiac thing! :p

Women tend to be better multi-taskers, don't they? I think you have to be able to think along several paths at the same time in order to really be super stressed or something. I don't know.

Wine helps a lot, let me tell you!!
RE: How to

You were trying to relax on that cruise???? Well no wonder. I read your post and thought, "Oh what a nightmare"!! Lines for everything?? Crowds of people? No wonder you were anxious!!

My more anxious I get in my life the harder it gets for me to deal with all types of things. Especially NOISE of any kind, traffic, and crowds. Uggghh!!

I can relax but I have to be completely and utterly alone. Or with DH watching movies. And I can't leave the house.}(
RE: How to

It's funny, Nancy--I'm either scared at work or bored, too. But I manage to somehow leave it behind me when I come home, at least most of the time. Over the years I've gotten pretty protective of my personal life vs work. I do like getting things done at home, though--it makes me feel like I've accomplished something if I get my workout done, clean the apartment, pay the bills, do the laundry and tweeze my eyebrows all before noon. I don't see it as not relaxing--I see it as doing things that make me feel good!

Also, I think moving out to the boondocks here in NJ has helped me a lot--I don't seem to mind sitting around on the weekends as much now that we have sunlight and air and lots of space in our apartment. :)
RE: How to

>I don't see it as not relaxing--I
>see it as doing things that make me feel good!

Bunbun, you may have hit the nail on the head. Maybe the whole key to relaxing is our attitude towards our jobs, our family and our other obligations. Maybe, Nancy, you and I (and a whole lot others I suspect) need to step back and take a deep breathe and tell ourselves that we do all these things to make ourselves or our loved ones feel good.
RE: How to

I definitely think it's all in how you approach it. Everyone has obligations and things to get done and not a lot of time these days. The key is, how do you choose to react to all of that? You can't control (for the most part) the things that come into your life, but you *can* control your reactions to them. (At least most of the time!) Learned this from my DBF, by the way, so I think that men do have some secret that women don't!
RE: How to

When I got up this morning and headed downstairs, I noticed the piles of "stuff" that never gets put away, or doesn't even have a place to be put away. I started obsessing about the messy basement, the full to the brim attic and the crammed garage. Then I fussed about the family room carpet that needs to be replaced, the walls that need to be painted and, again, the piles of stuff laying around. By the time I reached the kitchen and poured myself a cup of coffee, I was pretty depressed. Then I sat down to do my Bible reading. (Don't turn me off, I'm not trying to preach.) I was reading in Romans, where Paul explains how we should live at peace with everyone, and to do what is honorable in everyone's eyes. Maybe it was a stretch, but instead of blaming my DH for all the piles, I thought maybe I just need to RELAX and s-l-o-w-l-y take care of them myself. Then I sat at the computer and read what Bunbun had to say. The secret has to be how we look at the things that bug us and how we react. I guess what I'm saying is that we have to grab ourselves by the shoulders, give ourselves a shake, and MAKE ourselves look at things differently. We have to make ourselves relax, not look to others, or a magic vacation to do it for us.
RE: How to

Hi Nancy!

Hmm... I was always like that - especially when the kids were younger - rushing madly from hockey to soccer to football to field hockey. Work I was rushing from meeting to meeting. I prided myself that I could not sit through a movie.

When my son had his physical issues I found this "inner calm". It's hard to explain but same as in emergencies when you get this calm focus just on the present.

Anyhow now that things have stabilized I found I was getting back to the restless busy pace and losing that calm.

For me what works - quiet time in the morning (for me their is the spiritual aspect but maybe could be medidating - centering on the day ahead)

I'm doing p90x and there is a yoga and stretch part. Like he says its the flexibiity part that keeps him young. I'm finding it is a great way to shut out the craziness of the world.

I'm convinced my constantly on the go - was not good aging wise - and also didn't allow me to focus on my "inner side".

So I guess I'm saying yes, it's an ongoing struggle to relax but it just doesn't happen but I do think it's very important for life.

I'm with you this is definetly a focus!
RE: How to

I love the idea of a relaxation check-in, Robin!! :D :D

To tell you the truth, I knew at the end of last year that this would be a very stressful year for me, but in a good way. This is the year I'm trying to take my career to the next level. This is the year I keep pushing myself, scaring myself and challenging myself. As a result, I've had awful dermatitis on my eyelids, so many root canals, extractions and implants that I've lost track, and a number of dizzy spells. Because of the expense of all the dental work, we limited ourselves to an inexpensive vacation. Considering that, I've still been able to read some books, eat many wonderful meals, and even occasionally work out this year. Looking back, I haven't done too badly. I'll relax next year. ;)
RE: How to

Get yourself on the Amtrak train or the I87 and head to the Adirondacks.
Peace, quiet beauty you will love it. Park it in an Adironadack chair and read a good book or check out the scenery. Maybe Lake Placid....Long Lake....Saranac Lake. No lines and only three or four hours from the city and not terribly pricey depending upon the accomodations you choose. I think I'll pack my stuff now....:D

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