How to measure S&H results if you're chubby??


Here's my problem - I started strength training a couple of months ago. I got my S&H videos today (YAY!!!!) and did Volume 1 today.

But, I am kinda a chubby gal - 215! I am not going to see "increased definition" underneath that fat!

I was wondering, are there any other ways to measure improvements other than physical appearance? I know when I get the fat off, I'll sure be able to tell, but it would be encouraging if I had some way of knowing that I had done something good for myself in the meantime.

With aerobics, it made such a huge change in how I felt every day that it was inspirational. It was so easy to see how that was good for me. I guess I'm looking for something similar in my strength training.

You'll be able to lift heavier, so you'll know there must be more muscle under there. You'll still feel the soreness too, to know you are getting there.
Before you start seeing much definition, you can judge improvement by being able to increase the amount you lift every few sessions; feeling that your body is less "mushy" when squeeze and poke and prod your thighs, for example; feeling that the last few reps of certain exercises are easier to do each time you work out (a step towards increasing the amount you lift).

At 215lbs you might be able to see more than you think. I could feel the muscle development for sure, but I could also actually see it in areas like my shoulders, upper back, triceps and very minimally in my biceps. But I could see it, so I'm thinking as you develop more muscle, so will you! :)
Hey, we may not be able to see it as "clearly" as a person less "fluffy" but we can still see it! :)


Fitness~It's a journey, not a race!
Personally I do not agree with Bootyquake that your clothes will get looser. I found that my clothes got maybe tighter in certain areas even though it is not possible I was gaining fat. HOWEVER, I was gaining muscle faster than I was losing any fat, therefore, my body parts actually seemed bigger. I actually think they still do, but they are very much harder. It may not be so much that you are gaining muscle, but with S&H you sure do get that "pump"...

Go with how much you can lift. Strength trainers and power lifters aren't so lean, are they?? A little fat can make you stronger sometimes!!! BUT, do make sure you do some cardio or you may feel like a blimp after a few weeks...


I agree with Donna!! I am over 200 right now, too at 5' 11" tall. Since I have been lifting with Cathe, I am able to see definition that I haven't seen since my high school and college basketball days!

I am doing S & H right now! When I flex my biceps, I can actually see a little bit of a cut now! I am constantly asking my dh to feel it. He humors me. :) Also, if I flex, and just push through the "fluff" I can feel a very nice, strong muscle underneath.

I joke with my chiropractor that I have a "6 pack" under my cooler. :) No kidding, since doing Cathe I can feel the strength of my abs when I push through the layer on top of them.

Good luck!


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