I'm vegan, have been mostly since I was 16. I'm very healthy, buff/muscular, with lots of energy. Eating vegan is eating only plant food--you don't eat any animal foods whatsoever, including honey and gelatin; veganism itself is a political statement, taking a conscious stance of not exploiting animals as best as you consciously can. That means no leather, suede, wool, silk etc. If you just don't want to eat any animal foods, you are not technically "vegan." That is actually a vegetarian diet, tho that word has been corrupted from it’s actual meaning of eating only plant foods.
I eat plant foods, focusing on starches to keep me satisfied (potatoes, sweet potatoes, rices, corn and beans) and non-starch veggies such as green & yellow beans, asparagus, carrots, cabbages, peas, broccoli, cauliflower, and rolled grains (I mix oats, rye, barley, and wheat and add oat bran--all organic).
I have pretty much given up flour products, although whole-grain flour products are healthy--after hitting my mid-30's my body turned those easily-available calories into more fat than it used to. I also don't use any added oil whatsoever--there's much documentation of the connection between added fat in the diet and cancer, heart disease, other diseases. The human body evolved getting the fat it needed from plants, it doesn't understand isolated elements, including fat.
Also it is a myth that the human body needs "complete" protein--that research was done on rats, which do need more protein than humans so. A potato has more than twice as much protein as the human body needs, all complete. Animal protein, including dairy, is harsh on the human body and robs the skeleton of necessary minerals, contributing to osteoporosis--the largest animals on the planet are vegetarian, and cow's milk gets its calcium from the plants they eat. Osteoporosis occurs among dairy-consuming populations; non-dairy consuming cultures have little or no osteoporosis (amongst other diseases common to animal-food consuming groups).
The body feels hunger for a reason--it's a survival mechanism. You can eat a lot, never be hungry, feed your cells, and be in great shape all on plant foods--and our polluted planet desperately needs us to give up our misplaced concentration on animal foods.
These are links to vegan sites that have lots of info, boards, and recipes:
If you have additional questions, need help adapting recipes, motivation, etc, go to the Dr. McDougall boards (on left side of home page click on "Discussion."). That board is very supportive just like the Cathe boards. On VegSource there are several websites/boards, including VegAthletes, for vegan athletes. They’re pretty motivating and supportive, too. A lot of those people are serious athletes who are vegan—pretty inspiring.
I wish you much joy in this new journey you are embarking on—I fully support you in the gift you will give to yourself and the planet with this compassionate choice. May you feel the peace you were created to be on this planet.