How to know what to eat if vegan is the goal?

This is responding to Briee's question to K60 about upping protein when lifting heavy:

I've always lifted very heavy (wanted to be a competitive bodybuilder in '80's)and have always packed on muscle and gained strength easily as a vegan. After 25 years of lifting this way and passing my mid-30's, tho I continued to pack on muscle and gain strength, I had bodyfat covering my muscles I couldn't move off. Since discovering Cathe, I lift "less" weight for more reps (endurance), and the definition is returning. I tried vegan protein drinks to see if they'd help the process--and they didn't. I usually lift far more than Cathe does in her videos for the reps she does--my point, that plants provide all the nutrition I need to continually get stronger, get more muscular, get more definition.

And for the record, I learned a long time ago to live and let live, and what anyone puts in their mouth is their choice and I respect that. And if one wants to learn more about being a healthy vegan, I will share my experience and resources I know about. If someone responds critically to my input, that is their choice and reflects on them, and I don't take other's expressions personally. I share my experience, take what you like and leave the rest, or leave it all. Food, I have found, is a very emotional topic.

I wish each of you peace. Gandhi said, "You must BE the change you wish to see in the world."
Oh, it reminds me a lot of bread when it's simply baked in the oven plain. It rises to about twice its size and is soft on the inside and browns nicely on the outside. It's much chewier than bread, though (which is the best part). For a total carb addict like me, it's enough like bread to satisfy my cravings. :)
Thanks so much for your responses to the questions on heavy lifting and protein consumption.'s very interesting...I consumed mega amounts of protein (Bradley Childbirth's recommendation) while pregnant with the first four and was "addicted" to protein foods. I felt terrible through the pregnancies with lots of digestive problems and heartburn, sluggish and unhealthy. When I went vegan with number five, I felt so great and realized that the protein was almost an addiction (the more you eat the more you seem to crave it), when you go without it (switching to plant protein) the body is much more efficient and functions at completely different level - no heartburn, leg cramps, digestive problems.'re right.....seems a lot of "passion" involved with the way one eats!! ) :) :) :)


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