You know, something ocurred to me (and Amanda, I'm sorry people are getting angry w/you, I'm not a cat person myself & I do understand your concerns). Regarding the furniture issue--when a cat feels neglected it might start peeing on your furniture. It happened to me--I got a shelter kitten b/c I had a terrible rodent problem & after many visits & thousands of dollars spent on an exterminator it was my last resort. I had an old sick dog at the time, plus my pug who can be kind of pushy, & she got almost no attention. The result was she started peeing on my sofa (yes, I took her to the vet, there was nothing wrong w/her physically) & I ended up giving her to my dad (which is actually a happy ending to this story, they adore each other & she didn't end up back at the pound).
Anyway, it seems like this is a very difficult situation that you'll have to think about long & hard (not that you haven't already, but the potential damage to the furniture is pretty major). You might want to at least postpone the move-in for a bit until you find a real solution.