How to get rid of fat layer

Not necessarily running

Pick a cardio of your choice. But the length and intensity are what makes the difference according to the book. I never used to go beyond 45 minutes and so I'm pretty certain the longer sessions is what did it. It was hard to make myself do it, but now I really enjoy my cardio. Good luck!
Not losing

Hi Carol, I'm kinda butting in here, and I am definitely no expert, but I am a lifetime Weight Watcher and really believe in the program. One thing I find that helps me if I hit a plateau is to write everything I eat down. That way you are accountable for all those BLT's (bites, licks and tastes) This may help to if you find a nutritionist to better see your trouble areas. Just a suggestion, hope it helps! Good luck and hang in there!
Great suggestions....

....even if you don't plan to join Weight Watchers! A food journal is a great tool because most of us underestimate how much we eat. Like with pasta....a cup of pasta is about the size of a tennis ball....not that much when you consider the amount restaurants serve! Portion control is VERY important! Also a serving of ice cream is 1/2 cup...not a quart, which is a portion in my book!!!!!!! I used to get two pints of Dairy Queen Frozen Yogart and eat them both in one sitting. Gluttony, gluttony, gluttony!!!
Food/fuel logs

Hi! Thank and thank you for the suggestion! With BFL I pre-plan each days meals and also record what I actually eat (whether the same or different) every day. I don't record the calories, fats or carb counts as we don't do that in BFL. It's all in portion control. I note every single thing that goes into my mouth too. LOL!

I think I've got to reduce the amount of carbs I eat in the evening and reduce the sugars (fruits included). I'll let everyone know how I do! "
What 5K???

Hi Lily,

I'm curious about which 5K you are training for because I decided today that I am going to run in the Race for the Cure 5K in New York City on Sept. 17th. I only started running a month or so ago at age 43 and I'm slowly increasing the running part of my walk/run intervals.


Hi Carol,
This is your long lost bud Terri. I read your post and this is what I have done and it is working so far.

I read the BFL book and I also have the Weight Watchers information. I combined both of the diets, and I eat 5-6 meals a day and ensure that I have a carb & protein in each meal. I eat the authorized foods and I also drink one shake a day. I still count the points and I ensure I don't go over the point designated for my weight category. I know that BFL does advocate exact measurement but I use weight watches food measurements as a guide. Strangely enough it is work out okay, and I am not hungry.

Only a suggestion, I hope you find the answer to your problem, because it is very frustrating when you are working out hard and eating correctly and see no results.

Good luck : )

Body For Life??

Could someone please tell me more about this?

I'm okay with the amount of exercise I do, but my eating habits are AWFUL!
I've been to two nutritionists and don't weigh enough to join Weight Watchers (I'm really short ad small boned, but still flabby). I eat such junk - almost all carbs - and not the good kind.
Has anyone changed from a carb junkie to a more healthy eater?

Hi Janet! Thanks for asking!

It's just a small town celebration near my home. I don't even really know why I'm doing it. The idea scared me and that bugs me, so I'm doing it! Kind of nuts huh? I've started to question a lot of my silly fears in life. Fear seems to hold me back too much. Good luck in your race!

Hi!!!!! Long time no SEE! How have you BEEN?!? So you're combining WW123 and BFL eating principles? Sounds complicated. I don't like having to overthink what I do or eat. I've got so much on my "plate" already, I don't need to add more record keeping! LOL!!

Sometimes the fact that I don't seem to get hungry very often worries me, because would seem to be an indicator that my metabolic rate isn't what it should be (especially with all the weight training....etc.), but then again, it's nice not having that gut grinding pain too. "

For the time being I am not going to schedule my meals and will simply listen to my body. When it signals that it's time to fuel up, I will do just that, making sure that what I eat is the RIGHT fuel.

Hi Carol!

Hi Carol,
I think ultimately you should listen to your body, and hopefully you will solve the problem.

You wouldn't think so but combining BFL and WWW123 is really easy. I already ate many of the authorized foods and knew their points value, but I did not combine the foods the way he did.

I really like having a 12 week goal, it keeps me focused on my workouts and eating.

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