how to get in shape for your wedding


Hi Cathe,

I've done your workout to the referenced video for years but I need a new DVD that is similar, I'm 54 and I'm so familiar with 'How to get in shape for your wedding' that I would love to stay with something similar to that. Any suggestions? And since I'm in my 50's I'm starting the lovely middle aged spread, how can I quickly get rid of that?
I have this old video too and its priceless! I love Cathe's wedding photos/videos in it. Any of her step DVDs would sub out for the step cardio. If you are choreographically challenged then The Classics DVD would be the easiest to follow, then Cardio Hits. As for the total body weight segment, there are several things to consider. If you want something short that includes standing and floor work then Push Pull is a good option (although you need a stability ball to get the most out of it.) I do like how Wedding Video included floor work. Another easier option is the Total Body Sculpting part of the Low Impact Step DVD. That DVD gives you both a 38 minute step cardio and a 28 minute total body with premix options to double it to a 45 minute total body workout. This DVD is probably closest to the Wedding Video in content and level of difficulty. But again, a stability ball is needed there as well.
If you are ready for a harder total body weight workout, then do get any of the following: MIS, Power Hour, Muscle Endurance, or Muscle Max. You don't need a stability ball for these,just dumbells. I am 53 and have found that more heavy weight work, or at least an equal mix of cardio and weights, works best for maintaining or improving your body.
Thanks Beth, I will look into the DVD this weekend, I don't know about you but I've got a lot of middle age spread going on that I didn't have two years ago. So I'm looking for something that can give me a great cardio workout without killing me.

Do you find that this particular DVD(Low Impact Step) helps with the spread?
Well, if you want to lose weight diet is going to be the MOST important factor. Your metabolism slows down steadily as you age and you have to eat less and less calories to maintain the same weight. So I would take a hard look at that, especially your sugar carbohydrates.
Increasing intensity of workouts will help also. However, you are also more prone to injury over 50 so you don't want to ramp it up too quickly. The Low Impact Step DVD is one of Cathe's easier ones, on par with Wedding Video. So no, it will not be a magic bullet for you to lose weight. You asked about a DVD that was just like Wedding, and thats the closest one. If you want harder workouts, almost any other Cathe DVD will be harder than that one.
What helped me the most was doing the STS program lifting much heavier weights. That really seemed to spark my metabolism. I then started upping the cardio intensity. And yes, doing hard cardio and hard weights WILL help you lose that weight around the middle-if you can stick to it without burning out or getting injured/overtraining. You might want to post on the open forum with more specific requests about the type of workout you are looking for such as cardio, total body weight, split weights, kickbox, step, HIIT. Kickboxing workouts seem to be the least injuring to my aging body and burn a lot of calories.
Cathe, how about a remake of this workout?? Possibly??
I heard only good things about it.
Yes, Beth has given you great advice Seven! The main thing as we age is just as Beth said, is that we are more prone to injury if we workout too hard or too much or do too much too soon. So it is better to cut back a bit on the calories WHILE ALSO doing cardio and weight training. The weight training plays a HUGE role in helping to prevent injuries AND stimulating the metabolism to burn fat while additionally providing huge health benefits (like helping to prevent or offset osteoporosis) as we age. So PLEASE don't give up the weights. In fact make sure you get two weight sessions in per week. Shoot for 3 to 5 cardio sessions at 30 to 45 minutes a session per week. Eat about 500 calories less per day and drink LOTS of water. :)

Thanks for the advise, I can use it. It's putting me in the right direction.

Thanks for the advise, I love to work out and I notice great tone in my arms from using weights, but is only diet the best way to get rid of the mid section and back fat? Didn't have it two years ago, but its progressively getting worse. I also think the older you get the harder it is to get motivated any other suggestions?
I use this VHS at least once a week. One of the ones I reach for all the time.

I put this in the "Suggestions for Cathe's Next Video" in hopes we can get some responses. If anyone has this, I'm sure they will want a remake of it as well.

Its a 50 minute cardio step workout followed by a 60 minute total body weight workout.
A real gem. It also has numerous video clips from Cathe's wedding. Its only on VHS.
Wow it does sound like an awesome workout. I second the motion for an updated version of that :)

Miss Cathe, would you mind posting a couple of your wedding photos since many of us don't have this workout?
Jumping in to say, please bring back the wedding video! Mine had a meltdown years ago and I would love to see it available as a download!
Hey I'm glad I started something here, it's great knowing there are so many other people out there that love this video. I think it's great because of the instruction Cathe gives for each move.

Affter reading all the replies I did purchase the dvd that was close to this and I am glad I did.

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