How to balance FIRMS and Cathe



I have some really good Firm tapes (Standing Legs, Upper Body, Tough Tape) and of course Cathe strength (Leaner Legs, PH, Pure Strength LA, MIS). I'd like some input in getting these into some kind of rotation. I like both (love tall box work!), so it's just a matter of figuring out what each style does, and what I want.

Are FIRMS similar to Cathe in terms of results, do they compliment each other? Is one better for getting definition versus looking lean? Or are the styles so different that they are used for different goals (ie strength v. toning)?


[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON May-15-02 AT 11:58PM (Est)[/font][p]There is a Cathe/Firm rotation at [|Firm Ya Ya's] that you might be interested in. Check the Rotations board. Hope this link works :)


Edit: Oh bother! I looked and can't find that particular rotation. But many rotations are listed--maybe something will interest you. I tried :)

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