How Polite Are You?


You are entering a store: Do you turn around and see if someone is coming and hold the door open or do you not look and just go on through?

Do you let someone in your lane if they have their signal on or if you are in bumper to bumper traffic and someone needs to get out will you let them in or bumper up to the vehicle in front?

If you are in the checkout line in front of you your groceries unloaded and a person comes up behind you and you notice they only have a couple of items you see the express lines are full will you continue with your order or let them ahead of you?

If someone drops something will you bend down to help them or keep walking.

Do you use your signals when changing lanes and turning etc.

You approach a 4-way stop no one is there will you roll through or come to a complete stop?


"Another one that proves equipment is not necessary to get the job done" -Cathe Friedrich
Let them go ahead
Stop to pick it up
Complete stop (always obey the rules of the road)

When I am out and about, I often compliment people (strangers) on their hair, clothing, appearance, etc. You just never know when someone is having a really bad day and some small gesture can make a difference. It doesn't cost me anything.

I hold the door if someone is close enough. If they are far enough that I'd be standing there for too long, I go ahead.

Usually I let people through unless I'm in a rare bad mood or if someone has just cut me off or something. Also, if I let them through, I expect the wave! :D

I have let someone ahead of me several times only to wait on them because of a price check or something. I have the feeling people are doing this in the regular lines with the expectation that we'll let them ahead of us. I don't do that anymore. It might sound mean but they can go to the express lane if they only have a few. If I was in line first, I'm going first. :*

If their hands are full or something, I'd help. If they seem able to pick it up as fast as I could or faster, I'd just assume they're going to pick it up themselves.

Do you use your signals when changing lanes and turning etc. ALWAYS!

You approach a 4-way stop no one is there will you roll through or come to a complete stop? Again, I ALWAYS stop.

Hmm...I guess I'm only "polite" sometimes. :p
I do all of those things automatically.

I come to a complete stop at all stop signs, regardless.... have to be a good example for my DS!
You are entering a store: Do you turn around and see if someone is coming and hold the door open or do you not look and just go on through? (I hold the door)

Do you let someone in your lane if they have their signal on or if you are in bumper to bumper traffic and someone needs to get out will you let them in or bumper up to the vehicle in front? (I let them in)

If you are in the checkout line in front of you your groceries unloaded and a person comes up behind you and you notice they only have a couple of items you see the express lines are full will you continue with your order or let them ahead of you? (I let them go ahead of me)

If someone drops something will you bend down to help them or keep walking. (I would pick it up)

Do you use your signals when changing lanes and turning etc. (Always)

You approach a 4-way stop no one is there will you roll through or come to a complete stop? (A complete stop)

Guess that makes me polite!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Hold the Door open.


Let them in

Help them

Always use my signal, bad driving not to.

Stop, bad driving not to, especially when carting a teen who will get their liscence in two years, gotta set an example.
1.I turn around and hold the door.
2.If it is safe to do so.
3.I will ask if they want to go ahead.
4.I stop and help
5.yes-I think turn signals need to be installed on shopping carts also :)
6.always just never know.

>You are entering a store: Do you turn around and see if
>someone is coming and hold the door open or do you not look
>and just go on through?

Yes, I check to see if someone is behind me.

>Do you let someone in your lane if they have their signal on
>or if you are in bumper to bumper traffic and someone needs to
>get out will you let them in or bumper up to the vehicle in

Yes, other drivers blocking in people who need to merge or pull into traffic is a pet peeve of mine. I don't always let people change lanes in front of me though. If its apparent that the other driver is about to cut me off, then I will not make it easy for them to get in because cutting people off is just rude.

>If you are in the checkout line in front of you your groceries
>unloaded and a person comes up behind you and you notice they
>only have a couple of items you see the express lines are full
>will you continue with your order or let them ahead of you?

No, I won't offer to let them go ahead of me. I think waiting your turn is just as much a courtesy as letting others get in front of you. No one's time is more important than anyone else's. We all have places to go, things to do, people to see. Now if someone asks, I will normally say yes.

>If someone drops something will you bend down to help them or
>keep walking.

I will help them.

>Do you use your signals when changing lanes and turning etc.


>You approach a 4-way stop no one is there will you roll
>through or come to a complete stop?

I come to a complete stop.

"Do or do not. There is no try." -Yoda
"Where there's a will, there's a way."
I would say 90-95% of the time I do these things. Sometimes I am in a mood and don't do these things though }(.

You are entering a store: Do you turn around and see if someone is coming and hold the door open or do you not look and just go on through?

Turn around most of the time.

Do you let someone in your lane if they have their signal on or if you are in bumper to bumper traffic and someone needs to get out will you let them in or bumper up to the vehicle in front?

I'll usually let them in, unless I know they have cut ahead.

If you are in the checkout line in front of you your groceries unloaded and a person comes up behind you and you notice they only have a couple of items you see the express lines are full will you continue with your order or let them ahead of you?

Two items, go ahead. Three items, you gotta wait.

If someone drops something will you bend down to help them or keep walking.

I'll help only if they look more feeble than me. Hey, I'm old and have lower back problems.

Do you use your signals when changing lanes and turning etc.

There's a reason I don't drive anymore.

You approach a 4-way stop no one is there will you roll through or come to a complete stop?

Like I said, there's a reason I don't drive anymore. }(

1. Yes
2. Yes, if it is safe as mentioned above.
3. It depends. I try to be thoughful of others. Now, if someone asked me to go ahead, the first thing I would think is "my time is just as precious as your time". :)
4. Yes, if I can.
5. Yes!
6. Never.

I send thank you notes, RSVP, say 1)please 2) thank you, and 3)excuse me, put my cart in the cart thingee, etc. I do my best to be polite but fail miserably more often than I care to admit.
You are entering a store: Do you turn around and see if someone is coming and hold the door open or do you not look and just go on through?

Do you let someone in your lane if they have their signal on or if you are in bumper to bumper traffic and someone needs to get out will you let them in or bumper up to the vehicle in front?

If you are in the checkout line in front of you your groceries unloaded and a person comes up behind you and you notice they only have a couple of items you see the express lines are full will you continue with your order or let them ahead of you?

If someone drops something will you bend down to help them or keep walking.

Do you use your signals when changing lanes and turning etc.

You approach a 4-way stop no one is there will you roll through or come to a complete stop?
Guess I am semi-polite. I think it has to do with being an East Coaster!

hold the door open ***Of corse, and if a lady holds the door open for me, I will hold it and allow her in first. ***

let someone in your lane ***Always

checkout line in front of you *** Yes ***

someone drops something *** Yes, but that one is dangerous, HEAD Bumping. ***

signals when changing lanes *** Retired cop here, of corse ***

You approach a 4-way stop *** Retired cop here, of corse ***
>You are entering a store: Do you turn around and see if
>someone is coming and hold the door open or do you not look
>and just go on through?

I will usually check to see if anyone is close by who is coming in behind me. If so I will wait and hold the door for them if at all possible.

>Do you let someone in your lane if they have their signal on
>or if you are in bumper to bumper traffic and someone needs to
>get out will you let them in or bumper up to the vehicle in

I am more then happy to allow people into my lane in front of me USUALLY. So long as they are nice about it themselves. I have my limits though...I won't allow more then 2 people to go as I don't want to tick off the guy behind me. I also have a pet peeve with people who try to cut into the front of an exiting lane just because they are too impatient to go to the back of the line. If I know someone is trying to do that I will risk rear-ending the guy in front of me to keep the other car out! LOL

>If you are in the checkout line in front of you your groceries
>unloaded and a person comes up behind you and you notice they
>only have a couple of items you see the express lines are full
>will you continue with your order or let them ahead of you?

I would let them ahead but I honestly normally do not pay that kind of attention to folks in the grocery line behind me.

>If someone drops something will you bend down to help them or
>keep walking.

Lots of times I will not help simply because I am always afraid they will think I am trying to do wrong (ie,steal) instead of help them. Ofcourse in an instance where they don't realize they've dropped something I will pick it up and return it to them.

>Do you use your signals when changing lanes and turning etc.

Yes I do.

>You approach a 4-way stop no one is there will you roll
>through or come to a complete stop?

I stop completely. Quickly but completely.

>"Another one that proves equipment is not necessary to get the
>job done" -Cathe Friedrich
Yes, I turn around, as I'd hope someone would do for me. I especially don't want to let a door close in someone's face. Very rude.

If they have their signal on and are truly politely trying to merge into traffic, yeah I do. If they are driving like a bat out of you know where and trying to wedge in, no way dude.

If someone has one or two quick items, yeah I would. I never see anyone doing that for people around here. Makes me kind of sad.

If I am close enough then yes I help. It is just how I was raised.

Yes I always signal. one of my biggest pet peeves are people who just wedge in, change lanes, or make turns without signaling. They are accidents waiting to happen.

I stop. Cops are ticket happy around here for that. I might not have been so wonderful about that before my son was born, ahem. I'm much better these days.


Peter: Oh my god, Brian, there's a message in my Alphabits. It says, 'Oooooo.'
Brian: Peter, those are Cheerios.
--Family Guy

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