How old were you . . .

Hi Chrissy.

Yes, we'd like one more. We do not plan on getting pregant until we have a bigger house though it probably won't happen for another year yet...:)
I had my first baby at 22, my second at 25 and my third at 40! In a lot of ways having such a large gap made my latest pregnancy feel like I was having my first all over again. All of my pregnancies were wonderful but I had the most energy during my latest pregnancy. My now two year old keeps me very busy but I am enjoying every second. I am much more relaxed about life in general and I know how quickly they grow up. I think the best age to have a baby is when it suits you and your hubby.

Best wishes

i had my first child at 30 and second at 35. i am glad i waited for the right time for us. this is a decision for you and your dh alone. parenthood is a very enjoyable yet demanding job. dont' let anyone force you to jump into it until you feel ready. Good luck:)
I had my DD last year at 27, just a few months shy of 28. If we do decide to have another one I plan on waiting until I am in my 30's.
I agree with Sunny, parenthood is a enjoyable and demanding job!

Best of luck to you!
I had my first baby at 23, twins at 26 and my last baby (my surprise!) at 34.

I agree with everyone that says that you shouldn't let anyone pressure you and to wait until you're ready. Having a child really is the biggest commitment that you will ever make in your life. I don't think 32 is too old at all.

Good luck with your decision!

I was 29 (almost 30) when I had my first child. My DH and I want to try again next year, so I will be 32 (almost 33) with my next. As for a third, I am not ruling it out:) . By the way, since I am a first grade teacher, that was good birth control. My DH and I were finally ready when we were 29, and luckily we got pregnant right away. I had just finished my M.S.Ed, and were were emotionally and financially ready. And, I can't say enough about waiting till you have a lot of patience!
I was 42 when I got pregnant. I would love more but we have had no luck and at 47 I think I'm probably only going to have one to spoil. :)

We heard it all the time, too. We were 17/18 when we started dating and didn't get married until 15 years later. (Boy was there alot of pressuring during those years!) But DH was trying to get a business started and I had a career. Now.....I can afford to be a SAHM and we are able to do more for AND with our child than we ever could have done before.

So don't let anyone pressure you into something you aren't ready for. You'll know when it's time. :)
I had my first at 27, my second at 28 and my third at 32. Babies are a wonderful blessing but as someone once said to me years ago and I totally agree, 'there's no right time and there's no right number!'. My SIL had her first at 38 and her second at 41, they are very happy although my BIL gets a bit annoyed at how often he is mistaken for 'Grandad'.:)

Take Care
i was 30 when i had my first now im 38 and i have 5. including twin girls age 5 so your not to old the most importent thing is to give love for your baby.

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