How often do you weigh in?

How often do you weigh in?

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I'm so OC about it I even have a ritual: Friday morning, after getting out of bed, after peeing, before breakfast, and nekkid as my mommy made me.

The nurses who took care of me during my treatment even learned to stop asking me to get on the scale. Since it was mostly for chemo treatment (they need to know so they can correctly adjust your dose), I would weigh myself that morning and tell them how much I weighed when I got to the office.
I said "other" because "never" mentioned something about not owning a scale. I DO own a scale, but I never use it. :)

I find the scale to be nearly meaningless for me. My body went through some awesome changes due to my recent P90X rotation, and my weight didn't change at ALL (so, never is really not true - I weigh myself once in a blue moon, and did for the X rotation to fill in my little "before and after" stat sheet). But, I lost inches all over.

Who cares what the scale says? Stop weighing yourself, *especially* daily! Your weight can normally fluxuate by POUNDS from day to day. Why drive yourself nuts over that?

What I do not understand ladies is...If your clothes fit the same and you look the same and you feel the same, what is it that is causing the scale to fluctuate the way it does?

I had an incidence within the past month where my weight was steady and then it dropped like 2-3 basically overnight and stayed there for a couple of weeks. Then it shot back up in a day's time. All the while NOTHING else changed...not my clothes, the way I look, feel..NOTHING!

So I ask you...what caused it and how is that even POSSIBLE?

I know weight can fluctuate but to not see it or feel it when it's more than just a pound boggles my mind!!! :eek: :eek: :eek:
"I only weigh myself if I feel skinny"

This doesn't work for me because invariably I get my hopes up and then they are shattered when I step on the scale and find out I'm not nearly as skinny as I feel.
I don't own a scale and won't buy one. If I'm at a friend's house and they have one sitting out in their bathroom, I *have* to get on. Seems I always come out and ask them what's wrong with their scale:p

Yesterday at the doc's office, I didn't *feel* skinny, so I turned around and told them not to tell me. I hate going to the doctor anyway, so I didn't want that additional downer.
I weigh once a week. That's enough to keep me on track, and more than that seems a bit too OCD for me (and would be too disturbing, since one can vary in weight from day to day).

I've been trying to lose, and then maintain the loss, of several extra pounds I gained since moving to town, and the weigh-in keeps me on track.

I don't, however, use the scale weight as the final indication of anything, just as one more bit of info on my fitness status. If an increase in weight isn't accompanied by an increase in size, I don't worry at all (and hope that it's muscle!), but if my pants feel a bit snug AND the scale shows an increase, I know it's time to tighten things up a bit.
>What I do not understand ladies is...If your clothes fit the
>same and you look the same and you feel the same, what is it
>that is causing the scale to fluctuate the way it does?
>I had an incidence within the past month where my weight was
>steady and then it dropped like 2-3 basically overnight and
>stayed there for a couple of weeks. Then it shot back up in a
>day's time. All the while NOTHING else changed...not my
>clothes, the way I look, feel..NOTHING!
>So I ask you...what caused it and how is that even POSSIBLE?
>I know weight can fluctuate but to not see it or feel it when
>it's more than just a pound boggles my mind!!! :eek: :eek: :eek:

When I bought the new scale I was getting on it every morning and noticed this. That's why I do it once a week now. I think it's due to water retention. That's why I weigh more when I cheat on my diet and when I'm on that time of the month. I don't worry about it anymore. A couple of pounds (2-3) is normal in my opinion. More than 10 it's not.
I think that if weight wasn't important we wouldn't be asked to step on a scale every time we go to the doctor (and in boxing any person could fight anyone which isn't really fair:p) . I started doing weigh ins this year after I went to the doctor in January 10th and I was *shocked* at my weight. I was clearly overweight and living in a bubble thinking that it was muscle. Before that day I don't remember the last time I weighed myself. I never owned a scale before and I thought it didn't mean a thing. Now I am grateful I went to the doctor that day. That was my reality check. I still have a few pounds to lose and I'm relying on my new baby that measures weight, bodyfat % and body water% and it includes the important athlete mode (thank you Walmart :)).
I haven't been weighing for a few months. I agree with many that you can measure progress and avoid the inconsistencies and obsession that that particular number can cause.

I agree with Oprah on this. She once said something like: if I weigh and I'm happy about the number, I tend to indulge myself and get off track, and if I'm not happy about the number, I tend to get discouraged and get off track. That's me!

Has anyone figured out how to stop this? Because I really would like to be able to weigh myself occasionally without needing counseling afterwards.

I used to every day but have gotten into the good habit of weighing once a week and gauging by the way my clothes fit the rest of the week:

Ann Taylor Black Crepe Pants Fit: Very Skinny
Ann Taylor Black Crepe Pants Too Tight: Skinny
Ellen Tracy Black Wool Pants Fit: Plump
Ellen Tracy Black Wool Pants Snug: Chunky
Wool Grey Pinstriped Pants Fit: Big-Boned
Wool Grey Pinstriped Pants Tight: Hiding under the covers with a bag of Doritos
>I haven't been weighing for a few months. I agree with many
>that you can measure progress and avoid the inconsistencies
>and obsession that that particular number can cause.
>I agree with Oprah on this. She once said something like: if
>I weigh and I'm happy about the number, I tend to indulge
>myself and get off track, and if I'm not happy about the
>number, I tend to get discouraged and get off track. That's
>Has anyone figured out how to stop this? Because I really
>would like to be able to weigh myself occasionally without
>needing counseling afterwards.

Well I think if you haven't weighed yourself in a long time the best way to get it out of the way is by visiting your doctor and be mentally prepared to know whatever number it is. I was clearly devastated when I knew my number, but I changed my diet and added more exercise the next day. After that, I went to the doctor two more times and the after the third time I decided to get a good scale to keep track of my progress at home. I think that my scale helps me and not the opposite. It's good to know your number. Nobody has to know it. Only you and your doctor. I agree that some people can become obsessed by their weight, but you just have to face it and make it work for you (by doing the changes that need to be done in a healthy way) and not against you (by getting depressed, going on a crash diet, overtraining, overeating, etc.).
As I have been working Weight Watchers for almost 2 years and have lost about 65 lbs, I weigh in "officially" once a week. Generally I step on my scale at home maybe once in a blue moon to see how the WW scale is compared to mine.

Lately, though the weight loss struggle has been an uphill battle, so I have been trying to monitor changes in my diet and how that changes the scale very closely. I still only step on my scale maybe once a week, if that. I have learned that the scale does not have to rule my life, nor does it always dictate how the clothes fit!!!

The biggest reason why they ask you to step on the scale at the Dr's office is to see if there are any HUGE weight fluctuations from last visit. One of the major indicators of severe illness (like congestive heart failure or cancer) is major weight gain or major weight loss respectively without trying.
Wendy, I think most of the time with myself it is water weight due to maybe eating a higher sodium meal. It goes away soon after but does go up quickly. The higher gains I would get were usually due to eating a high sodium and carb meal. Makes little difference in physique unless you do it a lot.

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