How much stretching do you do?

I stretch after every workout- ideally, about ten minutes a day. I think fibromyalgia makes me need some extra time after a workout on it, or maybe I just need to get more advanced and handle the workouts better. I often have to add on to Cathe's stretches, especially for the quads. If I have time for a segment of Stretch Max or Total Body Stretching, I like to do that. I want to begin adding on a yoga session once a week. I'm wondering if that would be overstretching, though. I already have the "flexible" body type (legs that hyperextend easily and stuff), and I've heard from more recent research that too much stretching can actually be detrimental. I'm a little torn.

How about you guys? What is your ideal amount of stretching, or what do you currently do? Do you like stretching or loathe it? Have you had any bad experiences from doing too much stretching?
I like how the additional stretching makes me feel if I do stretch max, but my problem is I need to learn how to relax a little more. Stretch Max I can handle since its 20 min. Anything longer than that I get antsy because I'm thinking of other things I should be doing - I get too bored with it. I want/need to learn how to embrace it and enjoy it. I love how it makes me feel afterwards when I do do it.
My sentiments exactly! I love how extra stretching feels but I often don't have the time or patience! I can't even seem to follow the instructor! I just start stretching what I feel NEEDS it! I have noticed I've gotten older that I really do benefit from a few extra minutes of the stretch. many years I've told myself I would calm down enough to do yoga.....hasn't happened yet. I'm still a cardio, sweat buckets addict. And yes I have heard recently that over stretching can be harmful.
to get over the 'boredom' aspect, I tend to do my stretches throughout the day - waiting for the kettle to boil? Hamstrings. On the phone to my mum? pigeon pose. Washing my hair? Sneaky triceps stretch in the shower :)

Good to know I'm not the only one who stretches in the shower, LOL. Depending upon the workout I just had, I may spend my entire shower carefully trying to work in stretches (a.k.a., return the feeling back to my body after Cathe slays it)! :D The back of my tub is slanted, so I'll put my foot against it and I get a great Achilles tendon/foot stretch that way. On really tough days I do what I could not do at my top weight- take a bath! That is one of the biggest joys I got back, taking tub baths. (Sorry if that's TMI!) But baths really do help warm the muscles, and take the weight off my legs after a tough workout for a bit. I can pull in my leg and stretch the hams and quads, I love that.
I have found the hardest stretching to be stretching my budget so I can keep getting the latest Cathe DVDs :)!!!

I literally LOL'ed on this one, Nanbo! This is SO true...I swear that Cathe's Deal of the Day page calls to me in my sleep and says, "Check me first thing in the morning!", too.

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