How much diet soda is TOO much?

becky v

:eek: I drink several 32oz mugs of water a day, but I also drink anywhere from 3 to 6 diet sodas each day. I know I need to cut down, but it's so hard!! I'd rather drink several diet sodas which tend to fill me up than snacking alot. Suggestions?? :9
becky, I am interested in hearing what others think about this too. I drink my water, but I also love my diet coke. I drink a lot of it. I like it without ice from the 2 liter. It's not the greatest thing for you. I always tell myself I need to cut back. Diet coke and coffee are my drug of choice. :) My sister drinks diet RC because it is made with Splenda instead of aspartame. I know some people will say Splenda is "bad for you", but it's better than aspartame. I know that soda is bad on your tooth enamel and staining, sugar or no sugar.
Diet Pepsi here. I have cut back significantly, but still drink about 3-5 a day. I chew lots of gum too.
Susan C.M.
I'm a gum addict and cola addict too. I have a 20oz. Diet Pepsi with lunch and then probably another 16 oz. with dinner. So, I guess that's not nearly as bad as I used to be. But if we make popcorn after dinner, there's another 16 oz.

Still, there are worse addictions aren't there? I don't smoke.
I'd say any diet soda is "TOO MUCH," because it has absolutely no nutritional value, and could be detrimental to your health no matter what kind of sweetener (usually some odd chemical) is in it. But if you must drink it, then I'd say stick to one a day. (But again...why?)
>Because it tastes so darn good!

I suppose if you're used to it is does. To me, it tastes artificial, or too sweet. (Though I did used to drink a lot of regular Pepsi back in the day. Last time I tried it, it tasted aweful to me!)
IMO, one diet soda a day is too much. One diet soda a week is too much. One diet soda a year is too much.

Aspartame, Splenda, etc....I wouldn't touch the stuff with a 10-foot pole. Nasty, vile stuff -- and what it does to your body is even worse! Diet soda is definitely not something that people who are health-conscious should be drinking! In fact, anything sweetened with aspartame or Splenda should be avoided like the plague by the health-conscious. I don't even chew gum, anymore, because I can no longer find gum sweetened with sugar instead of aspartame.

Don't wait until you get a brain tumor or worse to decide that you should stop ingesting this nasty stuff -- it'll be a little too late by then.

Knowledge is power...and knowledge about aspartame will definitely open your eyes.
WOW. Considering I don't smoke anymore, I workout 6 days a week, and eat a very healthy diet I think I'll keep allowing myself to have diet soda & gum. Life is way too short to cut out all pleasures when I could do everything right and healthy and get hit by a bus.
I agree with you Becky...if one can't enjoy a simple ("unhealthy")pleasure or two in life, what's the point?

I exercise 6 days per week.

I eat healthy as much as possible.

I quit smoking.

I have cut soda (regular, I could never handle diet actually)out of my diet almost completely except for the occasional glass when I feel the need for it but that's not often!

And my big-time caffeine habit is down to one cup of caff. coffee per day!!!

BUT the one thing I still want is sweets so dang-it, I eat that piece of chocolate, brownie, cake or doughnut if I want it! }( It ain't gonna kill that bus sure would! :) :p :)

So all of you diet soda junkies...drink up!:D


Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm![/img][/url]
I'm with you guys. If I avoided everything that might give me cancer, or a brain tumor, or kill my memory, or........wait, I forget what I was going to say.........:7
I totally agree. Diet Soda is actually worse for the body than regular soda. If I have to have a soda, I usually get the small 8 oz cans of the 'real' stuff - but it doesn't happen often, maybe once a month?

I like vegetable juice in cans because one can fills me up and that would count as a snack on the road. I keep cans in the car for 'emergencies'. I know they are high in sodium and I am usually two pounds heavier the next day.

I'm with you, sister. I've never smoked, I hardly ever have alcohol and I exercise 6 days a week and watch my diet. I'm having my pop, gosh-darn it. They'll probably tell us a few years down the line that there's nothing wrong with aspartame, just like they told us eggs were OK.
I love the new 7-Up with Calcium and a tiny bit of juice added. One can only has 10 calories!

And it is my Nectar of the Gods!

You are so right -- but life is so short and the 7-Up with Calcium and a little juice is sooo good.

I don't have any other health vices --

I think the 7-Up I drink contains Splenda which is a sugar derivative.

I also drink one sweet drink per day......

I am a bad person!
Splenda is a sugar derivative -- the reason I know is because in my "other life" I worked with health professionals who treated diabetics.

Even breathing can be hazardous.

I have my vices, but which is worse, drinking a soda w/splenda or smoking or mainlining heroin?

I just am not perfect, but I try to be my personal best!
TOTALLY AGREE. It's all chemicals that rob your body of vital nutrients and hinder absorption of the good stuff. No thanks - though why ask the question if you don't like the answers??? It's all obviously a matter of personal preference.

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