How many glasses of water do you drink per day? (That's water, NOT coffee, juice, tea, soda, wine,

How many glasses of water do you drink per day? (That's water, NOT coffee, juice, tea, soda, wine,

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RE: How many glasses of water do you drink per day? (That's water, NOT coffee, juice, tea, soda, wine, beer...!!!!:))

I voted for zero because there is always something in the water. Green tea. Emergen-C powder. A tiny bit of juice. Vitamin C by itself. Herbal tea. I just don't like plain water too much. Some days I drink it, but most days, I don't. However, I think I am well-hydrated anyway.
RE: How many glasses of water do you drink per day? (Th...

I actually drink a gallon of water a day, so I am well over even 8 glasses a day if you are counting a glass as 8 oz. Hope that helps
RE: How many glasses of water do you drink per day? (That's water, NOT coffee, juice, tea, soda, wine, beer...!!!!:))

I usually drink at least a gallon a day! I love the stuff. I prefer it over anything else. Well... I have to have my coffee in the morning! :) Susan
RE: How many glasses of water do you drink per day? (That's water, NOT coffee, juice, tea, soda, wine, beer...!!!!:))

Count me in 2! I drink at least 120 ounces/water every day. :)


Fitness~ It's a journey, not a race!
I drink between 1-3 glasses during my workout. I never drink it at any other time, unless I am hiking and camping, backcountry travel in the Summer with a 40 pound backpack.

I cannot stand treated city water. It only tastes good when I am exercising. You'd have to pay me to get me to drink it all day long. Yuck.

RE: How many glasses of water do you drink per day? (That's water, NOT coffee, juice, tea, soda, wine, beer...!!!!:))

I would really, really like to say more than 8. Some days that's true but most it is not. So, I said 3 to 5. I MUST DO BETTER!!!
RE: How many glasses of water do you drink per day? (That's water, NOT coffee, juice, tea, soda, wine, beer...!!!!:))

Hi all,

on the subject of water, I love water as much as the next person and I try to drink at least eight cups of it a day,( I say cups as I usually drink it hot) but I was watching a health programme on tv the other day and they were discussing water, saying that it was also not very good to drink too much water every day as it could flush out the nutrients in the body as well as the toxins ( I cant remember what the name of the programme was).

What do you guys/gals think? I suppose I could see a certain logic in it just as when you get ill and take antibiotics, it not only kills the bad bacteria but also some of the good as well,but I am just speculating.

Any thoughts?

RE: How many glasses of water do you drink per day? (That's water, NOT coffee, juice, tea, soda, wine, beer...!!!!:))

I was watching a
>health programme on tv the other day and they were discussing
>water, saying that it was also not very good to drink too much
>water every day as it could flush out the nutrients in the
>body as well as the toxins ( I cant remember what the name of
>the programme was).

I think there is probably some truth to that, but I think "too much" is more than most people drink.
RE: How many glasses of water do you drink per day? (That's water, NOT coffee, juice, tea, soda, wine, beer...!!!!:))

Hi! I love reading your posts and looking at the numbers. I am amazed at the number of us who take more than 8 glasses of H2O a day, up to gallons. Also I hope we get more people to share their valuable opinions.
Thanks ladies.
RE: How many glasses of water do you drink per day? (Th...

I must be a weirdo , but I love the taste of tap water, I drink so much water a day I dont' even know how much!
I love water. I always keep a glass by me when I am on the computer or watching tv, it is not a strain by any means to get in the water I need for the day!

I love the feeling of gulping down water after a hard workout!
My skin is clearer when I drink more water, I can tell too :)
RE: How many glasses of water do you drink per day? (Th...

Why tap water? I would never drink that. Those Brita-style filters are so cheap and convenient. I have one like that and also one that filters directly from the tap for cooking and such. Then the water tastes good. Still though, I like to put stuff in it. But my daughter drinks tons of it from the Brita filter.

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