I have been following the STS 6 month rotation and sticking to the 3x a week cardio. Was wondering if any of you ladies do more cardio then 3x a week. Thanks
I'm doing 45-60 min 3 X a week most of the time, but am throwing in an addition HIIT once in a while (like on back & biceps day). Though I love cardio and would love to do it 6 days a week; I find if I do more I don't have as much energy for weights. And, since I really want to concentrate on my muscle improvements, I'm sticking to this routine (at least for this first rotation!). I may experiment more next time.
I'm doing cardio 4 times a week on average. I do it on non-STS days, for about 45 minutes to an hour. I also do Yoga and Pilates and Ballet workouts on those days. On STS days, I usually work my abs using STS Ab Circuits. I love to workout too, and it sounds like a lot, but it feels right for me.