Hello everyone
How do I figure out how many calories I need to eat for an STS/Body Beast type of workout where I'm looking for definition but not bulk? Body Beast talks about 2000+ calories a day but I'm not trying to "look like a bodybuilder" like the site says. I don't want to have too little so I don't see results but also not too much for bulking.
Thanks for any guidance! All the calculators I see seem to place me as sedentary because I'm at a desk all day but doesn't take into account the level of workouts I'm doing.
I have body beast and will embark on it in future. You must have a booklet listing calories and calculation of calorie intake.
Now before anyone shoot me, I am not a beachbody coach and I am not trying to sell anything here
Although calories listed for building seem a lot, it will not turn anyone into a builder nor would it make anyone look like one
. I think there is a misconception about bodybuilding IMO. It is not just about consuming protein powder throughout the day
to hit those high calories intake, It is hard work training combined to a custom precise, accurate NUTRITION plan. Not necessarily animal sourced nutrition
. Well I could go on the myth!!!
That being said,
I suggest, assuming you know your current calorie intake and you are maintaining your weight, you increase your calorie by 100-200 kcal per day and see what you could get from it. Gaining definition is not easy either even as a fitness enthusiast . It will not happen with a 1200 kcal intake and possibly not with 1600-2000 kcal. Everyone is different. Also it is not just about the calorie intake, the type and the frequency of cardio come into play aswell. There has been various discussion on here and few cathletes stated breaking plateau, with a weight loss, increasing their calorie intake
Feel free to do a search through the forum.
The idea behind builking and building calorie allowance is to ensure the exerciser work hard enough to match the calorie expenditure. It is about making the most of how the body work. More calorie you consum and work hard, more calorie expenditure will happen, more muscle gain happen, and better the metabolism get meaning less weight gain and even possibly weight loss with no muscle breakdown
. it is all about making the body operate like a car engine. Food is fuel
To sum up try to increase the calorie intake. It is all about trial and error. Even professional body builders go through trial and error process. It is not a precise accurate one off science. It is about knowing what works the best for the person for a specific, clearly identified goal.
BTW, gaining definition is right up the
similar alley as building a body
, well at least in my opinion.
All the very best,