how many animal lovers out there?

currently 2 dogs. Australian Shepherds. I'd have more, but then I would have to get rid of my husband LOL. I grew up in the country so when I was younger we had cats, dogs, goats, sheep, horses, ducks, chickens and rabbits. It was a 4-H project heaven.

5 cats.
And I volunteer at my local animal sheleter and "mingle" with about a dozen cats there.

I don't 'have' them, but I also feed birds and squirrels (the latter sometimes unintentionally, because they jump onto the bird feeders).
I have one wonderful Yorkshire Terrier. He was too big for his breed so I got a "real good deal" in so many, many ways. We love him like crazy. Matter of fact, a lot of days we love him more than we love most people, lol.

He's thirteen years old now. Still seems very healthy but...... we're getting nervous. If we get a next dog, it will come from a shelter. My husband argues this point. Now that the kids are getting older, he doesn't want to tie us down to the house. I just can't picture myself not having this kind of "love in my life". It's very special!

Kathyrn, we also feed birds and USED to feed the squirrels - that is, until one made a hole in our new roof to use our attic as a nest. What a problem!!!! We're very careful how we feed the birds now.
I only have 1 dog-2 year old male Golden Retriever named Clyde.

Hope to get a smaller breed female dog in the future but that has to wait until we have a bigger house!
I adore dogs. Which is why I don't have one. I couldn't bear to let it spend all that time alone while I'm at work. :(
One nutty cat named Babe, though we call her all sorts of fun things ;) We definitely want a dog one day when we have a house and more room.

Live with sincerity, love with passion, and dance like you mean it.

Romeo, a 9 year old shepherd/roty mix (we think), lives a Fantasy Pampered Lifestyle. Cheese and frosty paws are his favorite.
I have two goofy doggies -

Tucker - and
Kimo -

Kimo is a lady, and independent as all get out (just like her mom). Tucker is a big silly male who loves to smile and wiggle (Aussie's have no tails) and lives to be around his people (and anyone who will pay attention to him). He has DH wrapped around his big ole paw.

Nancy - that's why you get TWO dogs - they keep each other company while we work. }(
Sounds like the cat lovers need some support around here!! I've got 2 cats, love them both to pieces. George and Gracie. They are I think 4 years old by now (!) and they are litter mates. There are photos in my picture trail. :)

I want a dog, too, so I can have some company when running and being outside. But, that will have to wait! In the mean time, George is a pretty good substitute!! He is Our Cat The Dog and greets everyone at the door, loves to take charge of everything. :) Gracie is our little darling and more cat-like. She loves playing fetch, though, so she has some dog in her, too!! ;)

Christine, at the park I do bootcmp at in the mornings a man walks his 2 dogs and I think of you *every day*!! It's an Australian Shepherd and a mini Australian Shepherd who is about 55% the size of the other one. Very well behaved!!! ;)
We have 2 cats that were littermates as well. Fred (aka Fritz, Dickens) and Dusty (aka Lola, Wusty). They're in my picturetrail as well. We love 'em to death!

We have a mixed-breed dog (shelter rescue), 2 guinea pigs (one adopted from an allergic family), 2 zebra finches, and 4 neon tetras. Now my older DD wants a Maine Coon cat. Anybody know anything about these cats? Don't know if we can talk DH into it!
We have one dog, rescued from an animal rescue foundation (he was tied to his doghouse and the people moved!), and one cat rescued from the SPCA (dumped in a ravine with her sister, each of them had a litter of kittens and she was pregnant again when the SPCA found her). Both are wonderful, loving additions to our family:)
I am a total cat freak.

If I hadn't met my husband, I would have been one of those freaky old ladies with 30 cats. You know the ones people make fun of. LOL:7

Got two right now. Mooey and Gooby.}(

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