How long to complete all the one rep max tests?


Active Member
I just started today and I think doing all of these one rep max tests is going to take the whole day. Can anyone give me some time estimates? Thanks!

I did all of mine on a Saturday and with breaks (you'll need them!) it took me about 4 hours. I didn't have anything I had to do that day so I would do some, stop and do stuff around the house, and then go back to it. I was REALLY sore the next day but I found it really enlightening and I'm glad I took the time to do it before starting.

Have fun:)
I got my done in like an hour or so. It looks like it will take a lot longer than it really does.:)

An hour is amazing. With some retesting when I went over 12-13 reps and breaks between sets, I did all the 1RM testing in three 1 1/2 hour sessions, so 4 1/2 hours total.
That's a good point. When you can get 15-20 reps with a weight, shouldn't you retest with a heavier weight? I still don't know what all the numbers mean.......
Hi Lisa,

FWIW, it took me about 4 sessions, ranging from 1-2 hours per session, to complete the 1RM testing. You have to factor in proper rest to get the most of your testing, as you will get fatigued during this process. I broke my testing down largely by body part - legs (2 sessions), upper body (2 sessions). I did almost every exercise, but did repeat values for exercises that were fairly similar.

good luck. You will get the most out of the STS program by doing the 1RM tests, so good for you for taking the time to get those in!!

let us know how it's going!
Hi Fitgirl,
Maybe you can help me out here.....I am thoroughly confused. I decided to do the first workout and am trying to figure out how the 1RM factors into it. What do those numbers mean and how do I remember which weight to use? Cathe makes no mention of it in the workout.....I did the testing for discs 1 and 2 and will save the rest for another day. This can't be as complicated as I think it is!
I'm Not Fitgirl, but this really isn't very complicated once you go through it once. You use the 1RM calculator to determine and save your 1RM values (the amount you can theoretically lift only once) for each exercise. You will never actually be lifting your 1RM. The Workout Manager calculates each of the "target weights," which are the weights you will use for each exercise in each workout. For Disk 1 you will be using 60% of your 1RM, so your target weight will be calculated as 60% of your 1RM. Once you have done the 1RM tests for your exercises for Disk 1 you will want to print out a workout card for that disk. This will list each of the exercises your will be doing, the target weight (the weight you will be lifting), the target reps (the number of reps Cathe will be doing of that exercise; you want to do the target reps or to failure), and your 1RM. There is then a space to enter your actual weight used (if not your target weight) and the actual reps you completed. Sometimes the target weight will say NA. This means that a 1RM test cannot be done for this exercise and you either use your bodyweight (like pushups) or select a weight that you think will work (some of the 21s). You can print your workout card from the Workout Manager by clicking STS, then View & Print from the "Quick Print an STS Workout Card." There are also ways to print from the calendar, but try this first and let us know how it worked.
I spent an hour and a half doing the tests needed for my workouts this week and also a few for the following week - still got lots to do and I won't be able to do anymore until this weekend unfortunately.

a coulple of days

I have been working on this for about two weeks. However, I am taking plenty of rest time in between these "workouts" so I am well rested for the best results.

There is no way I could do it in one day. The longest I spent on one section was about 1.5 hours. I was wiped out and very sore from that alone. I could not do legs again for 4 days.

Apparently, I have not been lifting heavy enough all these years.
I am over half done. This is day #2 of testing. I will finish up tomorrow and Thursday. I think breaks are really important.

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