How long does it take?


Active Member
HI everyone,
I am very depressed and down today about my weight. I have been working so hard with strenght training and cardio but haven't lost even a half inch anywhere. I am so frustrated. This weight just came on in the past year. I have cut calories to very low, cut carbs, added calories, added protein, you name it. I've tried it. I've tried 6 mini meals, 3 meals etc. I work out about 5-6 days a week with strength training on 3-4 days. I eat very healthy with what I consider to be a good mix of quality proteins and carbs. I have been at this for 6 months or more but really working on my diet for about 2 months. I need encouragement or suggestions. I am wondering if my thyroid could be the problem. My mom didn't even have her thyroid at my age. She had her's removed due to tumors. I have mine checked in May by a regular family practice doctor. He said it was "normal". I've seen a nutritionist. I've done absolutely everything I know to do. I can't just accept that I will be this way for the rest of my life. I haven't even had kids yet. I can't imagine how fat I will be after that if I can't loose weight. Any suggestions? I am so frustrated. I find myself thinking about it all day long. It was the firt thing on my mind when I woke this morning. Thanks for your time. Also, how do you use the emotion icons?
Hey "R", first of all sorry to hear your so down on yourself today, we all struggle with our weight (I know its always on my mind too) and as we get older it gets harder. But I will try to help you if I can. My first question is how long have you been working out and what kind of exercise are you doin? Cathe videos?? Has it only been six months? I will tell you my little story and you can take it for what its worth. I have been working out for a while with home videos(about 2 1/2 years) I took pictures of myself in a bathing suit before and thought it would be great to take pictures a few months later and compare them and see how much my body improved. I retook pics six months later and you know what?? THERRE WAS NO CHANGE! I was very depressed. I went to my Gyn. and thought for sure there was something wrong with my thyroid, he told me if my periods were normal (and they are) then its not my thyroid and I eat too much and dont exercise enough if I am not getting the results I want. Although I hate to admit it,and was really taken aback when he said it, he was right.Ill continue on another post......
im back.... this is NOT to say that there is NOT a medical reason for your problems (since your mom had problems) so you should first rule that out...did your MD do bloodwork?? How did he know your thyroid was "normal"?? If your not happy with your MD check with your GYN. If your testing is all OK, you have to take a hard look at yourself and see what your not doing or doing wrong... IT IS NOT EASY and dont let anyone tell you it is!! It is very hard work and a lifelong committment. BUT IT WILL HAPPEN, I PROMISE!! and for some reason, it seems to happen all at once! All the sudden youll see muscle definition where there once was none, or your clothes will fit better and people will start making comments about how good you look, and it will motivate you to continue, so stick with it, do Cathe's videos 5-6 times a week, watch your diet (but dont obsess over it) and cut yourself some slack. YOU CAN DO IT!!!! dont give up, oh yeah, if you have one, throw your scale out the window or just use it as a reference, muscle weighs more than fat, go by how you feel, or your clothes fit. let me know how your
Thanks for replying. I am currently doing a mix of Cathe tapes, running, and eliptical machine. I do cardio 6 times a week. On days that I do weight training, I only do cardio for 20 to 30 minutes. I do it for an hour or more on days that I don't weight train. My doctor did bloodwork on my thyroid. He said it was 2.5. Whatever that means is beyond me but he said it was normal and right in the middle. My periods are normal too.
I don't own a scale. I am using a tape measure and my clothes. My clothes are what really bothers me. I have some very pretty and expensive items that I can't wear any longer. Fall is coming and I don't have any cold weather "fat" clothes. I bought some new stuff in the summer like long dresses and more knit things that wouldn't bind my waist. You will probably think this is awful but I am currently doing a diet of 1000 to 1100 calories per day. I've tried it at 1500 and 1800 and even 2000 and it didn't work. I can see some muscle definition but it is covered by fat. I am not obese by any means. Most people would be happy with my body. I am 5'4" and wear a size 8. However, I was a 4/6 at this time last year. I eat better and workout more than I ever have in my life and I still have gained weight. By the way...I am 27. Does your metabolism slow down with severe insomnia? I've had severe insomnia since I got married last year. I wonder if that is an issue. Sorry I got off track there. So, you think if I just keep trying it will happen. It would be easier to keep going if I saw even a little improvement. I am sick of feeling uncomfortable in my clothes. My husband says that I workout too much. He is an athlete and says that I am doing too much. I don't think so. Thanks for the encouragement.
Hi RBurke !
I am in the same situation as you are. I have thyroid problems and even with watching what I eat and exercising my brains out, I still weigh the same. As was mentioned before, being healthy is an important factor. Age has a lot to do with it as well. I like to think about all the benefits we are reaping by eating healthy and exercising. I have been on the medication for about 5 months now and it there is not a dramatic change. I have high cholesterol as well. GENETICS !! Don't give up on exercise.Try different exercise options for about 3 to 4 weeks. Then see if there is a difference. If not change around to something else.
We are all in this together. Since there is a medical history of thyroid, you should definately have the blood test for thyroid. If you feel tired all the time and have a lack of energy, I would insist on the blood test. Your concentration will improve as well. Anyway, too long winded but wanted to let you know that there are a lot of us in the same boat as you. I hope this helped you a little.
Hi, RBurke. I hate tell you this but cutting calories really low actually makes you fatter because your body tells itself it is starving and it slows the metabolism down to preserve fat stores. It is absolutely unnecessary to starve to drop pounds. You might look into these books "Outsmarting the Female Fat Cell" and "Strong Women Stay Slim". I think you have what it takes to lose the weight. You workout and you are knowledgable about what your body needs. Try not to stress out about it. Stress does horrible things to our capability to stay motivated and its hard on the body as well as the mind. "Strong Women Stay Slim" is an excellent resource. I know from the "Nutritionist?" thread that you know what to do but it seems to me you don't trust yourself to do the right thing. Listen to your body. Eat balanced meals when you are hungry. Have you consulted your doctor about your thyroid? It is definitely a problem for some women and can cause weight gain. Don't give up! You can do anything you set your mind to if you belive that you can!

Hey, RBurke, there's an article in this months Health Magazine about thyroid and weight trouble. You might want to check it out.
RE: I know the feeling well!

Hey just thought I'd pop my head in and tell you, I know what you mean. I'm not overweight, but I have gained some weight this past summer that I just can't seem to shake. I'm 28. Maybe you should give your husband's suggestion a try. Overtraining can be just as bad as undereating. My DH is a big ol' couch potatoe who thinks exercise is a dirty word. He washes his mouth out with chocolate after saying it. So when he tells me I do too much, I CAN'T listen. But husband is an ATHLETE!! I love my husband dearly, but he doesn't have a clue. YOUR'S does!! Take a chance on his advice! What do you have to lose? OK, I'm done gabbing! Let us know how it goes with you. And hopefully, I'll be able to report back that I have lost my weight also. Good Luck RBurke! We're pulling for ya'!
RE: I know the feeling well!

HI again.
Thanks for all the encouragement. I have read the article in the health magazine about the thyroid issue. That's what got me thinking. But, since my periods are normal, I suffer from insomnia, and my bloodwork done in May came back normal, I just don't know if it is a thyroid issue. I have lots of energy too. I have a hard time sitting still at my desk job all day. I can't wait to get home and work out some of my energy. I swear every morning my belly looks a tiny bit flatter but when I measure it, it is the same. I am wondering if perhaps it is turning to muscle but it will still measure the same. I know that is a long shot. I bumped my calories up to 1200. I am going to give it a try for two weeks and see what happens then. I can't stay that low forever. I just want to know if I am capable of dropping even a half inch. If not, I will have to try some new rotations or something. I did order one of the books mentioned earlier. I think it was the "outsmarting the female fat cell". It got great reviews on Amazon.
I will let you guys know how I am doing.
I still don't know how to use the emotion icons. I see the link and I can pull them up but I don't know how to get them into the message.
Thanks again. As always, any suggestions are always welcome.
RE: Emoticons

To use the emoticons, click on the "emoticon icon short cuts" link, and then you physically type in the colons, semi-colons, parenthesis, dashes, whatever, for whichever emoticon you'd like to use. I'll try the "happy" one :). There, I think it worked, LOL! When you type it in, it just looks like dashes and dots and parenthesis, etc. But when you click "preview", you should see the emoticon you chose. Hope this helps.
RE: I know the feeling well!

RBurke, DO increase your calories! You workout way too much to be eating 1200 or less! So you're an insomniac but you have lots of energy? When I suffer from insomnia (frequently) it kills my energy level. You've obviously seen your doctor if you had bloodwork?? Keep pursuing. Something will turn up. I am reading a book called "Full Catastrophe Living" by John Kabat-Zinn. He was featured on a PBS series called "Healing and the Mind" by the wonderful Bill Moyers. It's about using meditation to get the most out of your life. I LOVE it. I am not particularly good at it but I see it's value in trying to calm my sometimes raging mind and reduce stress levels. I don't know if you are interested in taking a holistic approach to your problem but I highly recommend the book if you are. Also "Women's Wisdom, Women's Bodies" is a great resource. Are you using a Mac? I don't seem able to use the Emotion icons on mine.Keep searching and don't give up!!
RE: I know the feeling well!

When I have insomnia, I usually feel wired the next day. It helps me sleep a great deal to workout in the afternoons but not too late. I have found many things to help my insomnia with the help of two books. They are "Desperately Seeking Snoozin" and "Say Goodnight to Insomnia". They offer drug-free solutions. My doctor put me on several sleep medications of all different types over the past year. I hated all of them. I suspect they could be the culprit in theis weight gain. But, I haven't taken them in a very long time. If my insomnia goes on for a long time, it does zap my energy. But, I force myself to workout anyway most of the time. I just hate sitting at a desk, staring at a computer all day long. That's why I am afraid to increase calories too much because I don't burn very much all day long. I only get that hour to an hour and half of exercise each day. I try to stay active in the evenings doing cooking, housework, etc. But, sometimes I completely veg out in front of the T.V. and don't move for 2 or 3 hours. I find it harder to sleep on those nights. I am not on a Mac. I am going to test and emotion icon on this message. :-jumpy
RE: I know the feeling well!

One time you sent me an email. How did you get my address? I looked under profiles to get your email address but I couldn't find email addresses. I am missing something.
Emotion Icons

Hi Bobbi! I have a Mac and can use the emotions just fine. I usually just go to the short cut page and copy and paste the shortcut. Pull up the short cut page, highlight the emotion icon shortcut you want (the symbols, not the picture), click back to your message and paste. It won't show up as the picture until you post or preview. I can also do it just by typing it in as well. :)

Have fun!

Elizbeth Kelly :)
Hi RB!

Do you see the "envelope" icon next to the person's name who posted? Just click on that & it will give you that person's E-mail address. :)

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH
Hi RB!

If I'm not mistaken, I THINK you have to fill out your own profile to be able to view other's E-mails. I may be crazy but I think I read that somewhere. SNM, please correct me if I'm wrong. I wish everyone would fill out profiles on themselves. It's fun to read about everyone here. RB, let me know if that works for you. :)Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH
RE: Emotion Icons

You see, you do learn something new everyday! Thanks, Elizabeth.
RBurke, on the old forum, the email was in the lower right hand corner. Hey, I don't waant to pester you, but, truly, you should take in more calories and can without gaining weight. If Outsmarting the Female Fat Cell is the book you ordered it goes into all the details about metabolism and it doesn't matter when you exercise only that you do and alot I might add. If that isn't the one you ordered, email me your address and I'll send you my copy. [email protected]. :-jumpy
Don't discount the insomnia - sleep is so important for our recouperation and metabolism. Seriously, they have studies proving now that lack of sleep (and stress also) raises cortisol levels, making it imposssible to lose weight. Cortisol counteracts all our fat burning mechanisms (without getting too technical - I am a chemist)and increases our ability to store fat.
You can order a little kit to test your own cortisol levels to see if you have problems with this.
RE: Emotion Icons

Rburke - I have the same issues as you and I turned a corner with my metabolism around 25 years old and now 35 it is happening all over again only I'm heavier now. I am constantly thinking about it, from the moment I wake up too. I swear I read your post from October and had to check the author because I thought it was me.

I wanted to mention perhaps working out in the mornings instead of evenings. It's hard to drag yourself out of bed but I have found that at night even if I worked out at like 6pm, I can still be wired and not fall asleep well. If I work out in the morning, I am burning calories all day long from my metabolism being up, I feel accomplished already, and I know I don't have to play the excuse game with myself later if something gets in the way of an evening workout.

I was just thinking perhaps your later workouts are what's causing your insomnia. You said it started about a year ago, did you work out at a different pace or schedule before that? What is different between then and now?

Good luck with everything.

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