How important are rotations?


Everyone is doing rotations, but I don't have enough tapes to do rotations. I guess I better get some more.
The videos I have are:

Kathy Smith - Timesaver Lift Weights to Lose Weight
Kathy Smith - Timesaver Cardio Fat Burner
Cathe Friedrich - MIS (just ordered it)

I can also bike ride and power walk for cardio. Can I lose weight and get muscle definition by rotating these tapes and activities, or am I wasting my time?

Thanks, Lynn
Hi Lynn!

I don't think you are wasting your time at all! There is no magic to doing a "rotation" as it is discussed on this forum. Most people try to tailor their rotations to their fitness goals. The benefit of following a rotation is to allow your body to get the maximum benefits out of your chosen mix of activities before changing things up a bit.

You mentioned weight loss and muscle definition as your goals. Therefore, you should try to maintain a mix of weight lifting and cardio to meet your goals using the means you have available to you. A rotation can last as long as you are still seeing results from your fitness program.

So, if you are combining the Kathy Smith and Cathe weight tapes, with the Kathy Smith cardio, biking, and power walking, it sounds like you are doing a good mix of activities to meet your goals. I would try to do the weight videos two or three times per week and cardio three or four times per week.

Just remember to mix up your cardio so you don't get an overuse injury. When your body stops responding to these activities, you may want to try another type of exercise, like the Slow & Heavy series, or kickboxing. Or, you could even increase the weights you are using with your current videos.

I hope this helps you some. Good luck!
Thank you so much for the info! It helps a lot and I'm glad to hear I can make something happen with these few videos I have. I will definitely get more as I progress. Thanks again, Lynn
Thanks Bobbi...I get bored too. Right now I'm VERY motivated and consistent, but that could change any minute. I'll keep at it and see what works for me. Lynn

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