How have you been injured


Since Cathe is injured and I am injured and Dallas is injured,I am wondering who else is injured where they cannot do an entire workout? And who has been injured to the point of not being able to workout? What was it that you did or what happened to you which put you in a workout funk?
For me, a 30 pound chunk of concete fell on my foot and fractured the bone between the large and second toe. Ouch.
Was was it for you?
Hi Kate...for me it was turning 40!!! I have had achilles tendonitis 3 times (once before 40), a torn calf muscle (2 weeks after my 40th B-Day), and my sciatic acted up about 4 years ago. With all I couldn't run and for me that is like not being able to breathe! The Physical Therapy worked wonders for my calf, back to running 10 days later. The sciatic took about 8 weeks and a combo of PT and Chiropractic care did the trick. As for the Achilles, tendonitis is an overuse I know exactly how I get that one...:)

edited to the way how is your foot doing??...
Ouch, sciatica is the worst. True, all those weeks and all that ibuprofen. Ugh.
Sure turing 40 was tough, but can you imagine 50? I used to think 50 was grey hair and really dumpy hips. Now, 50 doesn't seem so old and dumpy. But still....50...that will be weird.
I was thinking if I can get in all my injuries during my 40's, the 50's will be a piece of cake!...[/img]
I am so sorry to hear about all the injuries! They are horrible I know. The 25th of this month will be my 1 year anniversary since I was injured hiking and out for 4 months with torn quadricep muscles and a bruised patella. I was completely immobile for 2 months and did physical therapy for 6. I actually had to go on short term disability and could only do the PT floor exercises as my only form of movement. At times I thought I would never walk normally again let alone workout at my previous intensity.

Well, I finally did recover and now I do everything I did before I was injured. It took a full 9 months to get back to full speed, but I am back. I don't take any movement I do for granite anymore!

I wish all injured parties a very speedy recovery!
I also wish all injured Catheites a speedy recovery. Carole, I think we'll just cruise on pass 50 without a blink!!

I am not injured per se but sidelined from lifting weights with my left shoulder for another week due to rheumatoid arthritis setting up residence in that joint. I have it in other joints, but I don't consider myself injured, it follows a sort of "joint of the month" pattern, so when some joints are acting up, I focus on other parts.
Broke a rib a couple of weeks ago - coughing. That was fun. Can't say I've missed a workout but there are some things I just can't do right now so I've modified as necessary. Bit frustrating, but no where near as frustrating as not being able to work out at all.
Never been seriously injured..did hurt my shoulder a little a few summers back, at first I thought it might have been my rotator cuff but if it truly was that would have sidelined me alot longer. I had to really scale back the upper body work that I could do.
You've all got me cringing here as I read about your injuries. I love it that we're such a tenacious bunch; willing to grit our teeth and do what we have to do to come back post injury!

About 2 years ago I hurriedly rounded a corner at the top of some stairs on hardwood floors with slippy socks on. I betcha can tell where this is feet came right out from under me and WHAM! I hit the stairs, my shirt came up and the traction of the stair on my back as I kept falling tore my left lat and some superficial nerves in my low back and butt. I'd rather have 3 more Kids than feel that pain again!! I couldn't workout for about 4 weeks but was doing isometric holds in doorways by day 3. Since this injury I have worked hard to keep my core and especially my back strong and supple. I still feel the effects of the injury, I have no sensation at the left side of my sacrum or in the left butt cheek.

One thing this injury did for me was make me a better massage therapist, I hadn't had a soft tissue injury prior to this and going through the clinical process on the other side gave me much better perspective.

Healing thoughts to ALL!

Take Care
Ouch! That sounds painful for your poor foot!

After 20 years of running I was finally sidelined for good (except when I'm on vacation - and I may get a treadmill for a once a week or once every two weeks run to break things up, but I'm getting off track - so to speak). I have an overuse injury - bursitis in my hip. And I LOVED running! I HAD to find another sport so now I do cycling. Of course I also do Cathe workouts (again, I have to be careful not to do the high impact step stuff too much), Bowflex, Spinervals and I just got an elliptical. Where there's a will there's a way! :)


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France

My worst injuries have happened while running. I strained my right hamstring 3 years ago and it has never been quite the same. The hamstring injury sidelined me for quite some time and I learned a valuable lesson. Stop when something starts to hurt. I pushed through the pain and paid dearly. I sprained my ankle a little over a year ago and that was just an accident. I was running in leaves in the fall and stepped down on a rock. The ankle swelled immediately and of course I was the farthest I could possilby be from home. That took almost 3 months to rehab. Needless to say, I am very careful now.

>>> As for the Achilles, tendonitis is an overuse I know exactly how I get that one...

As Carole said....ditto for me! I'm a distance runner, so there you go! Tendonitis sidelined me last spring, and I'm jsut now able to run again. Strangely enough, I could still do step workouts, but not my beloved Imax3.
A couple of years ago I had some dining table glass tip over and catch the back of my left ankle. It caught the skin and ripped it across and down. When they went to "flush " it out w/ water, she told me it was going to really hurt. I didn't feel a thing. The nurse told me I probably did major nerve damage. They ended up giving me 14 stitches right where the foot bends up towards the calf. I could actually see and feel my achilles tendon ,plain as day. It was very interesting. Since we got a 2 story house the stairs have really helped me keep it from tightening up. My workouts are fine. I lost 30 #'s in 2 months from stressing out and walking on crutches. The weight loss was the good news. The bad news is that I gained it all back ,plus some, since then.:(
I got achilles tendonitis 10 months ago and have not been able to do any cardio at all. I used to love to run, step, and kickboxing. But like Carol said, overuse is what I did. I started to get addicted to stepping and I should have kept a little more variety. I went through 5 months of PT, and 6 weeks of wearing a boot before then. After all of this failed I am now having surgery this wednesday on my foot and hopefully this will help me get on the road to recovery.

Sorry to hear about your injury and wish you a quick recovery!

Ah, injuries! I had been relatively injury-free until I had my 3rd child 3.5 years ago at the age of 33. Within the year that he was born, I had sciatica in both sides in the peraformis (which I still battle today, but can control with a lot of stretching) that started while I was pregnant, plantar faciitis ( I wear orthodics, but my running days are over:-( ), a stress fracture in my right hip from being pregnant, and to top things off, 10 months after my son was born, I threw out my back while warming up during BC and couldn't walk for a few days and then couldn't do anything except the recumbant bike for 3 months! If it weren't for the fact that my son is very cute and dear to my heart, I would be very upset!;-) ;-)
The good thing is that I can still lift weights, stepping and high-lo moves, surprisingly, don't bother my feet, back or hips:) :) and as long as I'm careful, I can still kickbox. And if I really really stretch my hips, peraformis and hip flexors, I can occasionlly do the elliptical (which is good since my DH gave me a life fitness elliptical for our 12th anniversary a couple of years ago!).

Injuries are NO FUN!!!! I feel for everyone who is injured now and wish for speedy recoveries:)


PS Massage therapy works wonders. My therapist, Josh, is my favorite male just behind my DH and DS:) :) :) :)
Hi Tall Chick!

I was surprised to click on this thread and see my name! I wish it weren't so.;-) Ouch!! After reading your injury and some of the others I have nothing to complain about.

I was had just finished running on the treadmill and got off to do some stretching. The first stretch when I pulled up my right toes to do a hamstring stretch I heard a crack/pop (whichever) w/pain and it hasn't been the same since Jan 21.:-( The weird part is it didn't swell. There was no bruising. I took it slow for a couple of days and then started back lightly and the pain came back. This has been a continual cycle since Jan 21. I've seen two podiatrists. X-rays came back fine. I had a shot of cortisone in my foot. That helped. I'm happy to say I'm going for an ultrasound on Tuesday. I hope we finally figure out what's going on here.

Becky, I think Carmel is drivable from me. Josh, huh?! ;-) That was one tough pregnancy. That would surely make me "done". ;-)

Wishing for speedy recoveries for all of you and Cathe too!:)

Wow, my most significant injury seems like nothing compared to all of your stories!!

I, too, paid dearly for pushing through the pain. I was training for a marathon 2 years ago, having the time of my life, when I started feeling pain in my left leg. I kept running, since once I started a run the pain went away. My last run was 18 miles. The pain came back when I stopped running. It was a stress fracture!!! I was not allowed to run, jump, or anything for 2 months. I couldn't even use the stair master or elliptical!! I could bike and water run, which I did. After two months I was allowed to start to ease back into running. I had kept much of my cardio endurance, but with slowing down to walk/run in 15 and 20 minute segments for the next 2-3 months I lost a lot of it and haven't gained it back since I then started law school and haven't had as much time to put into running. What a bummer!!!

I'll get to that marathon finish line someday, I swear!! I'm thinking about signing up for a half in November. :D
A week ago I was sparring and in the process of throwing a sidekick, I felt a searing pain in my calf. I could barely walk and ended going to my sports doc who ordered an MRI because she feared I tore my gastroc or the attachment of the achilles tendonx(

I was just 2 weeks away from my first black belt screening which makes this injury even more heartbreaking. 3 1/2 years of hard training and all of the sudden now I'm laid up.

I get my MRI results tommorrow so I'm hoping it turns out to be just a pull or strain. It is sooooo hard not being able to do ANY cardio and even walking it out since I have to wear the "boot". So my plan right now is to do heavy upper body strength work and pilates.

Take care and speedy recovery wishes to all!!

When I played softball competetively, I had a major case of tennis elbow and achy knees because I was catcher. Before that, when I was a kid, I broke one leg, both arms, fingers, toes, and my nose not to mention endless sprained ankles and bloody noses. Not all at the same time, but I was a very active kid and climbed a lot of trees, did a lot of crazy stuff that I wouldn't even think about doing now. Once my sister and I were in Bloomington where it is very hilly, and there was this very steep, VERY deep ravine we were standing at the top of. We had a contest to see who could jump the farthest at different widths of the ravine. How stupid is that? We didn't get injured on that one, but we did really dumb stuff like that which caused many injuries for both of us... btw, it has made us very cautious adults! ;)

I am convinced that one side of my body is longer than the other, because in the last year I have dealt with tennis elbow and shoulder and wrist pain AND achilles tendonitis, all on the LEFT side. Isn't that strange? I am also periodically afflicted with sciata (since having baby #2 seven years ago)... again, though, on the left.

Things that make you go....


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