How have Cathe's videos changed in the last decade?

I'm new to Cathe and picked up a couple videos from the library. Tried Step Max today and my teenagers just about died laughing when they saw the thong over the shorts outfits!!! :)
But I got to wondering, besides the obvious - hair and clothes how have her videos, teaching style, intensity changed over the years? What would I see as different if I ordered one of her newest workouts?
Cathe still uses the awesome cuing she has always had in her new videos, but ALOT has changed.... The newer videos have great sets and much better music(in my opinion....) She has added more coreography and the outfits that she and the crew wear are colorful and inspiring. She still has the same motivating energy that she always has! I don't know which videos you watched, but i think everyone here would agree that Cathe's workouts just keep getting better and better!:) :) :)

Tell your girls not to laugh too hard. If those silly ponchos came back..the thong over short outfits might just come back too!! LOL
I agree with Cathy. Wide-flared pants, those hideous-clunky platform shoes, ponchos . . . I predict leg warmers will be back in within two years.

The teens of today are going to get laughed at by the teens of tomorrow.

AJ the legwarmers are here! I saw them in a teenager store with my daughter the other week. I said to DD "Why does this scarf come in a pair and is tube shaped" Reply: Because they are leg warmers!!!!

What goes around...comes around...

AKA "Likes2bfit"
I agree with everything that Jess said. The workouts just keep getting better and better. The choreography is funner, the set is great(the new Hardcore set looks amazing)and much better music. Cathe also seems so relaxed (not that she didn't in earlier videos). As far as intensity, I think it depends on the workout and as Cathe says "You get out of it what you put into it".

If you buy the DVD's-there are so many premixes with the newer series (especially the Body Blast Series, but also the Intensity series and HSTA) so you can customize your workouts based on your time and fitness goals.

So to sum it up, Cathe just gets better and better and you must try one, or all;) of her workouts.

Hope that helps, Wendy

P.S. - I miss my lavender/white striped leg warmers with the white dangling pom pons on the side;(
I agree with the other posters about the workouts continually getting better. The essential change that I appreciate is the fun factor; her newer workouts really emphasize fun and creativity more than the earlier ones. Also, the advent of DVD technology really, really added value to her workouts, as the ability to create personalized varieties of the workouts (alone or in combination) is endless. Finally, in recent years, somewhere around Step Fit, Rhythmic Step, and the CTX Series, Cathe began using a 6 inch step instead of the 8 inch. This corresponded to a change in choreography, with the workouts emphasizing quicker, dancier moves over the more powerful ones like in PowerMax. Around the same time, she also introduced cardio kickboxing into her workouts, and has done it extremely well. Her kickboxing workouts are very popular.

With respect to strength training, her workouts have also continued to become more creative. The Body Blast series has some of the most
creative and fun strength training of all of her workouts.

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention. At the time Cathe got to Rhythmic Step, she stopped putting in lengthy, highly choreographed cool-downs. Instead, she keeps the intensity high for another 7-10 minutes, but does so by adding a "challenge", which in the case of RS is to do all three combos in order, from start to finish, 4 times through. With Step Blast, she does the same, but adds three "blasts" between each time through. Then she goes into the cool-down stretches. So, her more recent 60 minute step workouts are actually longer than her older ones.

If you can, get them all!!! :)

Just recently I was thinking to myself that Cathe's cool downs are so much simpler in the more recent workouts. I much prefer a simple cool down over a choreographed one. I guess I like for my brain to get a cool down too!

I've been waiting a long time for legwarmers to come back in style. I'm always cold and an extra layer that's fashionable...let me at them!
I must add to my original post - my son laughed at the thong over the shorts thing, my daughter simply said "Mom, that's disturbing!" LOL:D
I have noticed that she doesn't spend a lot of time stretching before the workouts. And there is not a long warm up. I think StepFit's warm up lasts for hours and hours. However, it was made during a time when they spent a lot of time warming up.

I prefer to get right into the workout and stretch at the end, while we are still hot.

Cathe's videos are very fashion forward and reflect what is popular at the time. We will look back on the Hardcore Series in 10 years and think they are "old fashioned" too. Doesn't seem possible, does it?
I have noticed that Cathe's earlier workouts - pre-intensity series - seem more intense and harder! That is not too say that her stuff after that is a walk in the park! But I have had some of her older stuff for years, Bodymax, circuit max, MIC - and they are still hard. I'm still working on mastering them although I can do all of the Bodyblast series and Intensity series.

Also, I was noticing in Circuit max and Cardio Kicks - she is not as playful - what I mean is, she seems more like a friendly drill sergeant, all work and no fun. - I traded one of the CTX workouts away too. In her later series - IMHO - she is still "Kicking your butt" but in a friendly, relaxed way. She looks like she is having fun herself - I love that little dance she does in IMAX2 inteval 9 when she says we are all done! Just my observations.

One thing that hasn't changed - CATHE. She keeps looking better and better and younger. And her crew also look incredible year after year.

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