How Do You Store Your DVD Collection?


I'm wondering how many DVD's you have and how you store them? I have about 100 or so, which I've been stashing in the spots in my TV stand.

Do you have a particular storage/organization system you've developed? How about a cabinet (something online, at Best Buy, etc.) to keep them out of view? I'm looking for some recommendations.

I found a DVD holder (it only holds about 75 I think) and the rest are stored on my shelf. I plan on getting another holder. It makes them easy to get to and organize and it looks nice. I bought mine at Best Buy.
Our house has minimal storage space so we purchased a large stand alone storage cabinet a while ago that we put in the room I execise in. I have my dvds in there along with towels, blankets, sheets, various small exercise accessories, light bulbs, batteries, cook books, envelopes...and the list goes on...LOL!:p
I bought baskets at Target and keep them in those... I believe they were actually baskets that were meant to be used to serve food, they also had caddy for silverware that I use for remotes... the covers in the baskets matched the colors in my workout area and I have them on there side w/ two rows in each, I store them in my corner TV cabinet, it has glass "windows" so you can see the baskets but not the DVDs.
I'm not sure how many DVD's I have. About one year ago we renovated our kitchen and one of the cabinets I chose is called a pantry pull out. When you open the cabinet, three shelfs come out together, they are attached to the door panel. Anywho, when my husband installed it there was a big crack in the door panel so they sent us out a brand new cabinet. Actually, they sent us two and told us to keep them. My husband put them side by side in my workout area with a piece of Corian countertop on top of them for me to put my TV on.

It's the perfect width for the DVD's! It looks a little odd though because it's almost too nice to be in my unfinished basement, which is where my workout room is. Didn't cost a thing though...SWEET!

I dont store mine in the hardcover-I use the DVD case that holds 100 at a time. It makes it easy for me and it uses a small amount of space.

I store mine in a large DVD Case. I find it much easier to find my dvd's that way, and it doesn' take much space.

I have a three-shelf bookcase next to my TV stand. It now has two rows of DVD's/videos on each shelf (I have around 200 now, but I haven't counted lately!).

I have some of them organized by instructor, and others by type.
Top shelf,back: Cathe, Karen Voight, Slim Series, Firm
Top shelf, front: virgin or little-used workouts I want to get to
Secoond shelf down, back: spinning workouts, rebounder workouts, kickboxing
Second shelf, front: Tony Horton workouts, TLT's, more kickboxing/boxing
Bottom shelf, back: ball workouts (stability ball, medicine ball), step workouts, yoga/stretch wrkouts.
Bottom shelf, front: miscellaneous
I have a beautiful walnut DVD cabinet I got from Target for about $100. It's more a piece of furniture than storage space. I'd say it holds about 40-50 DVDs.
I take mine out of their cases and store them in DVD sleeves. They are similar to the paper ones that Cathe sent the replacement DVDs in, but they are plastic. Those I keep in a rectangular covered box, and a lot of DVDs can be stored in a very small space.

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