How do you measure success?


Earlier today, I was extremely frustrated because I am not losing weight at the rate I would like. Some very kind souls reminded me that it is not about losing weight it is about being healthy. I knew that, I just kinda forgot. I am so used to measuing success by the numbers on the scale and the tape measure. Please help me change my thought pattern by sharing with me how you measure success from changing your exercise and eating habits. Your replies are truly appreciated!
i keep records of workouts/weight loads i do best at.sometimes noting if i had to increase weights and if i complete all the sets/reps of the video or when did i fail out and pick up again. i haven't measured myself lately, i just go by clothes, i won't lie, i want to look good in some things and sometimes i don't and sometimes they fit just right. i figure if i haven't gone up a size i am doing something right, if i am pulling that belt in another notch i must be doing something right, if i can lift one more rep i am doing something right.


"And do what thee wilt as long as ye harm none"

What a great thread! I could answer that losing 35 pounds, which I did 8 years ago, was a success. But to me it was the small successes that led to the greater outcome. For me, it's getting through each day by eating healthy and exercising. Today alone I can at least say that I have achieved success twice. Once for eating all my carrots at lunch. Yeah!! (I really wanted to have chips.) My other success would be finishing 78 minutes of Butt and Guts on a Friday afternoon after a long day at work. Yeah!! Yeah!!

I believe that any day that you do what you set out to do is a success. Every time I workout, I try to go a little harder than I did the last time. That is a success. In the end we may look at the pounds lost, compliments we receive, the smaller size we can now fit into a great success but the I believe the greatest feeling of accomplishment comes from the steps that got us there.
Wow!!! Kassia and Jane, those are great markers. I had never even thought about measuring my eating habits!! I could start with success being eating 2 fruits and three veggies per day and at least 8 cups of water!!! Thanks!!!
After every tough workout I do, I count that as a success. (I actually cheer for myself after every workout :))

I measure "physical" success by how my abs look - If I am bloated, I know I need to drink more water and eat better. If my pants feel tight, time to revamp. I do believe we are forever a work in progress and it amazes all the time when my body completes tough workouts - the fact that I can workout wows me!
>After every tough workout I do, I count that as a success.

I agree.
"Success" in fitness is not an end-point, but a process: being consistant and being persistant.
I also count a good workout as a success. I buy myself fun stickers to put on my calendar for each day I get in my workout. I count it as a success when I am able to make it through the day and get in at least 64oz of water. I count it as a HUGE success when I am able to make it through the day eating clean (or at least with no added sugar!).

I measure my physical progress by the fit of my clothes, not by the number on the scale. Because I am lifting weights again, I realize that it is entirely possible for me to gain weight because of muscle gain and that's okay with me. I also notice when I am able to accomplish something that I could not do a few weeks or months before.
Yep, every day is a success. I try not to go by the scale anymore but go by how I feel- did I do a tough workout? Did I up my weights/ reps? I love making a new fitness related goal!! (like being able to do full pullups!!) It's so much more than a number on a scale for me! :)
1. Workouts get easier
2. I can run faster, further and with greater ease
3. I can lift heavier weights
4. I sleep better
5. My metabolism "flows" better
6. My moods improve and life is generally better

Ways I measure success:

~fit of clothes
~seeing more muscle definition
~being able to up my weights
~being able to last longer in a workout
~I don't do step workouts often, but being able to master a portion of step that tripped me up before is a HUGE success for me
~wanting a piece of cake (or whatever junky thing I'm craving) but not eating it
~ordering something healthy when I'm out to eat
~eating plenty of fruit and drinking enough water each day
~making myself workout when I feel lazy
~seeing photos of myself
~hearing compliments from others

I *do* weigh myself (was doing it once a week, recently I've decided to go once a month, which is when I take my measurements) and am conscious of the fact that I have fat to lose (probably about 20 lbs.), but I'm not fixed on a particular number, and I'm realizing more and more these last six months (during which I've seen no change in weight whatsoever) that it's not a very good measure of success at all.


"Out on the roads there is fitness and self-discovery and the persons we were destined to be." -George Sheehan
Two questions:

geojill- where do you get stickers for your calendar? Are they fitness related stickers? That is a really cool idea!

I am starting a fintess journal. When I did my workout today, I jotted down how I was doing compared to the instructor. For example, if I can keep up with the reps or weight. I know it gives me something to stive for, but it sounds kind of negative too. How do you ladies journal and measure so you can see your improvements? do you list each exercise and jot down the number o reps you did and weights? Suggesttons are greatly appreciated. You have all given me great ideas I plan to incorporate into my routines.

How many of you weigh in weekly? Monthly? Not at all?
I don't measure in inches or pounds.

My goal was to get in shape. My definition of shape is:

>am I able to physically do what I want whether it be hike 10 miles or carry single sheets of 3/4 plywood?

>am I able to have recreation with my friends and family without being exhausted?

>does my physician feel my blood pressure, cholesterol, sugar levels etc etc are where they should be?

I don't dwell in the pounds to lose, pounds to keep game. Maintaining my health should bring me joy, not make me miserable.

The journal I keep lists the workouts and activities and how I felt afterwards, I'm more descriptive when I feel crappy...when I feel crappy I can reread other crappy days and find at least one that was worse than today. It drives me to continue as I don't want to go back there.
I buy stickers at places like Walmart, Hobby Lobby, wherever stickers are sold. They are not fitness related but I have discovered that I really like sparkly ones :) I bought a new page of stickers for August that is colorful sparkly fish (I think I bought it at walmart, but not sure). Each day I work out I put a sticker on my calendar. It is a bright, colorful way for me to keep track. I can see when I've been really consistent and it lets me know at a glance when I need to get my butt in gear ;-)
Jill!!!! Thanks for the idea. I got my stickers and I was able to find really cool ones. I got some hearts (sparkly) for when I have a good eating day; I got some encouraging ones (Hooray!, You did Great! etc.) for my workoiuts; and I got some smiley faces :) with messages like "Good Effort" "You have improved" "Fantastic!" also for my workouts.

Thanks for the ideas. Now b/w my w/o journal and my stickers for the calendar, I have some other things to look to as a measure of success. I want to fill up my calendar w/stickers so this encourages me to exercise more and eat better!!;-)
That's great! It's instant gratification to look and see all the stickers on the calendar...and gives you an immediate heads up if you need to get your rear in gear! ;-)

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