How do you incorporate Flax Seed into your diet?


I am going to buy some Flax Seed and just wondered for all of you who take it, how do you incorporate it into you diet?



For breakfast this morning I had:

2 Tablespoons ground flax seeds
1 Cup Coach's Oatmeal (1/3 cup dry, 1 cup water)
2 Tablespoons Brown Rice Protein
1 Banana
Dash of Sea Salt

I mix in the banana and Flax seeds after the Oatmeal and Brown rice Protein were cooked in the microwave.


Hi Katie,

I also put ground Flax Seed into my oatmeal after I have cooked it. It gives it a hearty, mildly nutty flavor which I love. The first few weeks I was, how do you say, a little "gassier" than usual but this went away quickly and now I am just my "normal" gassy, LOL!!!!

Anyway, it is great to incorporate Flax Seed into your diet and you will be glad you did so.

- I had 2 tbsps to my yogourt

- I bake muffins and add flax seed to the mix

- I also blend 1 cup soy milk, 2 tbsps flax seed, 3 tbsps yogourt, 1/2 banana, 4-5 frozen strawberries, 3 tbsps blueberries. This is a great smoothie.

Just wanted to add that I add flax seed meal (ground flax seed) to almost all my baked goods. I add a few tablespoons to breads, pancakes, waffles, muffins, smoothies, oatmeal and cereal! No one usually notices and its so great!!!

I put a tablespoon of ground flax in my morning smoothie. I also eat foods (Vega bars, crackers, etc.) that contain flax.
Someone please correct me if I'm wrong, but if you want the benefits of flax seed, you have to eat it in the ground form. I know most of the above posts say "ground flax seed," but I just wanted to be sure you saw that magic word. I was indiscriminatly tossing handfuls of flax seed in everything I baked, until someone told me they have to be ground to reap any good effects.
Thanks ladies. I just bought some ground flax seed and I will add it to my oatmeal in the morning. When you add it to oatmeal or protein shakes does it alter the flavor a lot? Just curious!

>Someone please correct me if I'm wrong, but if you want the
>benefits of flax seed, you have to eat it in the ground form.
>I know most of the above posts say "ground flax seed," but I
>just wanted to be sure you saw that magic word.

Whole flax seeds to tend to pass through and come out the way they went in! So grinding is good. My stepmother doesn't take the time to grind, and just chews them to smithereens!

I have some crackers that have whole flax seeds in. I make a point of chewing them very well (and targeting the flax-heavy areas for extra chewing!)

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